Allow me to introduce myself... Bubba K, Lemon Skunk, Hawaiian Snow, Church etc.


Active Member
So I definetly f'd up and sprayed my foliar spray the other day in full sun.... OUCH The BK took a small hit and has some brown places on some of the big fan leaves. Nothing else seems to have been affected. I will definetly not make that mistake again!


Active Member
So a lil bit of an update... Everyone in the field is doing well the Jocks are about 8" tall now and the non autos are about 4 inches tall. The only pics I have today are of the bks. The BK is in its second week of flowering and the buds are coming on strong. Again for those may not have read the whole thread I leave my Bk outside for 12 hours of sun and then stick it in a black out tent so that I could force flower it... I just cant wait till October to have something to smoke so im hoping this BK and the two Jock Horror autos will finish about the same time and give me a nice headstash to get through the summer! Cheers! The pic of the large inclosed garden is the veggie garden I just got started and boy is it a lot of work!!! I also cut 3 clones off of the bubba kush which have now rooted and are going into dirt this week! First clones Ive ever cut and I am 3-3! The ugly pic of the fan leaf is where I sprayed the foliar spray on her in bright sunlight. OOPS!



Well-Known Member
.Sorry brah i've been busy as hell this week doing a roofing job and dealing with my electrical problems at home lost half the outlets at my place :sad: grow room hit 112 yesterday :o But your girls are looking good .It's suppose to rain all day tomorrow so hopefully give me time to catch up with my shit and yours :)


Active Member
Nice work man that babys looking killer... know if shes a female? I really wish I could have done an 8 week veg on my Bk but I really want some smoke asap!!!! Keep me updated are you going to let yours flower naturally?


Well-Known Member
Well i spent more money on the grow room again lol! i had to get some more air flow bought some new mylar to replace the old shit i had up. and i ordered a 600 watt hps/halide today :) BUt update on my grow is got 3 that popped up so far the widow,diesel,church. still waiting on the critical kush and trainwreck. Also still dealing with my electrical problem guess it just time to retire this place it's had a good run :/ . Local bar by my house is having an outdoor concert i will probably go check out tonight who knows maybe pick up a drunk girl lol.


Active Member
yes its a female it showed its sex 2 weeks ago :D
& yea im planning on leting it flower naturally , lets see how it goes :)


Active Member
Pics 1-3: BK starting its 3rd week of 12/12
Pics 4-5: Blueberry Thunderfuck planted 3/20 from Seed
The rest of the strains are the picture proceeding them. for instance pic7 is Jock Horror Auto #1 I had to take pictures of the sticks to keep track of the strains for posting! Sorry again for the shite pics! New camera just got here! These guys were planted from seed on 4/10 and have spent their whole lives outside...

For those who havent been playing along they are
GHS Church, GHS Great White Shark, GHS Arjans Strawberryhaze, GHS Hawaiian Snow, GHS Lemon Skunk, and 2 Nirvana Jock Horror Auto Fems!

Everyone in the field is smaller than I had hoped but we had a bit more end of season cold weather than I had been expecting so they got stunted a bit... Hopefully now that it is warming up for good they will take off for the moon!!!


Active Member
nice man 8-) hey my friend do you think i should start feeding my plant "bloom nutrients" or should i still feed it "grow nutirents" ?


Active Member
good cause i did the exsact same .

now i just need to go buy pest control & my plant will be good :D


Active Member
What kind of pests are you having problems with??? Ive been blessed so far and havent had any critter problems yet!


Well-Known Member
yeah my veggies got hit but not as bad as my neighbor he lost his entire garden had one hard freeze pop in.still looks like your overwatering to me just the small plants ? cold maybe ok! lol anyhow that b.k. looking good.I spent all day working on my room and still got one more day ,I decided to upgrade ;)


Active Member
well so far none ! thank god but i want to get it just in case .

& ahh looks cloudy for you :? heres mine weather.jpg nice and sunny lol


Active Member
I have not been watering the little ones. That is 100% natural since 4/10. almost an inch of rain a week! sucks thats its almost too much... how can i keep the rain off of them? make them little umbrellas? how was your night out last night bro? bring any strange home? was looking for you late night but never saw you on steam or origin! The bk is looking SO good! Respect!