Almost 2 Months Plants


Well-Known Member
OK when I first got these clone plants they were about 4 iches tall and I veg them for 5 weeks and then I out them in the ground and all together it's been nearly 2 months and they are not even 2 feet tall. Shouldn't these plants be atleast 3 or 4 feet tall already? I was using ffof nutes at veg and I didn't know that ocean forest have nutes in them and all I feed these clone plants were advance micro,grow and bloom and the plants had a nute lock so i flush the hell of these plants and transplant them into a 2 gallon pots (first they were in 1 gallon pot) and I use roots organic 707 and then like weeks later I transplant them in the ground and the plants were in shock and all stress out they were all droopy and the soil was pack into the ground too tight and I had to add more soil to loose it up and I've been feeding them advance nutes with 800 ppm and I also use hygroxymes and molasses and 2 days ago I got verde for nitrogen. I just don't know why these plants won't grow taller but I do like the bushy part. Will removing the bottom leaves make them grow bigger or am I giving them too many shades?



Well-Known Member
Your plants look pretty damn good. Some strains don't grow as big as others do. Plus your stress to the plant probably caused it to not grow as big as it could've been right now. Who knows, that could eventually change, marijuana is a very mysterious plant :P


Well-Known Member
Hm, are those pots I see? Why are your plants still in pots when they are in the ground? If you have a bottom on it, that could be holding the roots back which is stunting the growth.


Well-Known Member
the one in the ground don't have pots I put the welded wires around the plant so the soil will hold together when I transplant them to the ground they were in a 2 gallon pot before they were in the ground.


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple of pics at my BTK Kush at 40 Days veg. (G13 x C99) x C99 before it was completely stableized) x LA Confidential) She's even a slow vegger, I'm thinkin' your plants got stressed. Did you harden them off before you put them outside? I know I originally put Killer Queen x C99 but I was stoned. It's G13 x C99 which is Killer Queen. The real Killer Queen from BCGA and the C99 was from Brothers Grimm stock as well as the Cinderella that wasn't completely stableized.

For size comparison, she's about 90 lbs.