Almost 9 wks Flowering...What do you Think?


Well-Known Member
I think it helps... might be just wishfull thinking... and the fact that it still matures for two more I dunno... Id still do it. Ive also heard of a nail through the stock at the base of it... same theory..shock deal... Ill give that a try next sure would be able to take some good pics with your camera to prove..

take a picture of it close up before you put them into dark..then another close up of it 48hrs later...

good luck man...


Well-Known Member
Looks great bro! I would cut it down this Friday coming up, so 5 more days. This way you'll have the time(Sat. & Sun.) to properly manicure it. Just harvested my own and yours looks about a week behind mine. The first pic was a week before the second and third pics. They go fast in the end.
wow your buds look dank..nice job, +rep for the nugs and help

i just cut some buds off her and will leave the rest to harvest at the end of the week

pics of freshly chopped buds coming up soon


Well-Known Member
It is my humble opinion that 90% of the growers on this site harvest too early, just cause its an indica and its been 8 weeks doesnt mean its ready, all this garbledeegook about harvesting early for a head high.... nonsense!!! There is a window of max THC content and most folks are not in it yet when they harvest.
Patience is the key, why put all this time in and cut it before its ready???
Anyhow your nugs look beautiful, and dont be suprised if the plant slows (or stops) maturing for a few days while it recovers from the bud removal, as i said, be patient and you will be rewarded!
Just my fiftieth of a dollar.


Well-Known Member
sprucezeus how can you make sure you are in the window of max THC?

i dont want to cut it before its ready but i dont see how she could go much longer with the few leaves still intact looking the way they are..makes me think shes close to ripe


Active Member
Hey man just wanted to say that your nuggs look amazing.. made me drool, but i think i read that you should give them 36 hours darkness not 48. If I am wrong I guess what I read was about 36 hours of darkness before switching to flowering to have the show signs of sex faster. I am not sure but just thought I would share what I thought I read.... I will try and go find where I read that and post a follow up.



Well-Known Member
i dont really see anything wrong with chopping with the lights on
but i know alot of growers believe in the 36-48 hrs of darkness before harvest
i personally think its probably more of a myth than anything


Well-Known Member
sprucezeus how can you make sure you are in the window of max THC?

i dont want to cut it before its ready but i dont see how she could go much longer with the few leaves still intact looking the way they are..makes me think shes close to ripe
Disclaimer: I'm just some dude on the internet who has taken in as much information as possible, interpreted it to make it more understandable to myself and had success in the short time i've been growing marijuana, I'm not a professor of botany, or even really that smart a dude, just some guy on the internet who grows dope and likes to think hes always right. Remember, this is the case for 99% of the people giving you information on this site. Keep a saltshaker with you at all times.
I think your plant is close if not there, and the rule of thumb i've always used is 60% amber on the plant = 100% once dried and cured. Its my understanding that marijuana is at its peak potency when the trics are amber. Levels peak off when the trics are fully amber and they will only start to degrade after it is a WELL past finished. I'm of the school of thought that any head high you get from early harvested grass is most likely just a buzz from smoking all that underripe plant matter. If you want a head high get yourself a nice sativa.
Bottom line, Everyone grows to the beat of their own drum. You will probably have many more grows after this one, so do what you feel is right and if you're not satisfied, try again until you find a system you're comfortable with.
As for giving your plants darkness (i've heard everywhere from 24 hours to a 2 weeks) I've tried a few times with absoloutly no visible results, i feel in most cases this time would be better spent finishing the plants under the light. If anyone can come up with some conclusive evidence about this i'd love to see it.
anyhow i've got bowls to smoke, good luck with whatever choices you make, and i wish large frosty nugs upon you!!!!


Well-Known Member
nice disclaimer..i agree, im part of that 99%..and i keep this in mind whenever discussing these matters with rather random people on the internet..i take everything as advise or suggestions and i make my own decisions in the end.

lucky for me i have a nice sativa that hopefully packs a great head high..
i just cut some buds from the indica we have been discussing..but will leave the rest to reach their peak

nice post +rep


Well-Known Member
i cut a few branches off on sunday and hung them up to dry
they felt fairly dry today so i manicured them and put them in a brown paper bag where theyll stay until dry, then theyll go into glass jars for curing.

so heres a pic of a few manicured nugs, and a pic of the rest of the plant and a closer shot of a bud..theyve got a nice darker hue to them now.



Well-Known Member
i'd say either between a week or 2 and depending on the hairs maybe?
im in the same range as you
ahh the old "go by the hairs" method, a little dated if you ask me. Sure they can act as a (very) rough indicator but the hairs have nothing to do with the "ripeness" of a plant. some 9-10 week strains turn orange around week 7 and others will stay white as snow well through the ideal harvest window. The only way to be sure is to check the trichomes either under a microscope or zooming in on a well focused macro shot. Also paying close attention the the swelling of seed bracts can be useful, but really the trics should have the final say. :weed: just my 2 bucks (my opinion is worth 100 times the average. fafafa)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
ahh the old "go by the hairs" method, a little dated if you ask me. Sure they can act as a (very) rough indicator but the hairs have nothing to do with the "ripeness" of a plant. some 9-10 week strains turn orange around week 7 and others will stay white as snow well through the ideal harvest window. The only way to be sure is to check the trichomes either under a microscope or zooming in on a well focused macro shot. Also paying close attention the the swelling of seed bracts can be useful, but really the trics should have the final say. :weed: just my 2 bucks (my opinion is worth 100 times the average. fafafa)

agreed , and ill tell you why its useless going by hairs , i grew some 'super skunk' last year and the hairs went brown just 3 or 4 weeks into flower .