almost done? how does she look


Well-Known Member
hey guys im coming up on week 7
been flowering since may 3rd under 1k hps
just now changed my hps to 600w mh. to save some hours on my 1k hps also i heard mh at the last 2 weeks helps with trics.

do you guys think she is almost ready i notice a bunch of hairs are starting to turn orange
thrics are mostly cloudy with a few starting to turn amber IMG_0251.JPG IMG_0252.JPG IMG_0253.JPG IMG_0254.JPG IMG_0255.JPG IMG_0256.JPG IMG_0257.JPG IMG_0258.JPG IMG_0259.JPG


Well-Known Member
Looks like u are taking pics of trichomes that r on a leaf possibly. Try looking at your swollen calatyxs on the actual buds. I kno it's hard waiting, but in my opinion there are way to many pistils that need to recede back into the bud before u should begin to consider chopping. Your yield and quality will suffer if u harvest now.


Well-Known Member
In any case, I see mostly clear trichs so you have a ways to go but you definitely have a nice looking plant. it's just opinion, but I would highly suggest you invest in a smart pot next go-round. You will NOT be disappointed.


Well-Known Member
Do you count from the day you flipped your lights? It looks good but a little hungry in my opinion. What's the strain?


bud bootlegger
Looks like u are taking pics of trichomes that r on a leaf possibly. Try looking at your swollen calatyxs on the actual buds. I kno it's hard waiting, but in my opinion there are way to many pistils that need to recede back into the bud before u should begin to consider chopping. Your yield and quality will suffer if u harvest now.
i agree with this.. i don't even begin to look until the pistils have all receded back into the buds... it's one of the first things i look for once they start to get near..
receded pistils,
swollen calyxes.
slight fox tailing
over all change in look of the plants..
once you see a plant that's ready, you'll know it, and will never second guess it.. the plants will just scream ready, and the over all look will change ime..
they look great, nice and healthy compared to a lot of plants in flower i see.. umm, i'd say probably, idk 3 weeks, close to a month maybe on those..


Well-Known Member
thanks guys this is my first grow and im not going to chop early

Do you count from the day you flipped your lights? It looks good but a little hungry in my opinion. What's the strain?
i flipped may 3rd and i gave it a week for transition then i started counting so today is day 40 of flower

you thinks it looks hungry ive been feeding every other watering im feeding @ 1000ppm to 3gal of water you think i could go higher or should i stay at 1000ppm
the strain is humboldt from ch9 female seeds


Well-Known Member
i agree with this.. i don't even begin to look until the pistils have all receded back into the buds... it's one of the first things i look for once they start to get near..
receded pistils,
swollen calyxes.
slight fox tailing
over all change in look of the plants..
once you see a plant that's ready, you'll know it, and will never second guess it.. the plants will just scream ready, and the over all look will change ime..
they look great, nice and healthy compared to a lot of plants in flower i see.. umm, i'd say probably, idk 3 weeks, close to a month maybe on those..
they look a lil hungry, but i wouldn't push things too hard, i see a lil nute burn on the tips of some leaves, not a big deal imvho.. i'd just keep doing what you've been doing honestly..
Rb for the win.

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