Almost done ?

The reason i ask is because if she got tomuch food it can cause lock out.. ff soil usaully has enough food for a month and ahalf or more before you need to start using nutrients.. pluss you added worm castings to your soil, which im confused alittle on..
I do have a ph moisture light tester and it read to the left alkaline 8. I thought I read to mix some worm casings on top of soil. And used the grow big when it got going every 2 - 3 waterings.
I guess if you want you could give it more food and see if she response possitively to it and starts looking better( yellow leaves will stay yellow) and doesnt keep turning yellow..
But id really want to know for certian what your ph is of your soil.. worm castings normally act as a buffer..
It looks like your just a fuzz over 7.. this shouldnt fuck with the plant tomuch.. . But id like to know what the ph was coming out.. if thats right you may need to adjust the ph of your water .. but i dought that meter is correct..
Yeah, do what @PadawanWarrior suggested,, give her alittle more food..
Yea this meter didn’t look kind of crappy.
If you can find just the ph meter it would be better.. sonkir is ok as a soil ph tester but i like the soil sample ph kits.. if the probe of them cheap ones contacts a small rock or wood it can give messed up readings
Stop using those 'garden store' meters and get a good decent one. It'll cost you a few bux, but will actually work.

One of the tricks with any of the organic soils is knowing when their 'charge' runs out and either feeding it or top dressing with more so that the plants don't run out of nutrients. Your plants coasted along on the soil until it had used up all the nutrients it had to offer. The Grow Big, being a veg nutrient provided plenty of nitrogen, but not enough of the P/ when the soil ran out the plants started eating themselves.
Stop using those 'garden store' meters and get a good decent one. It'll cost you a few bux, but will actually work.

One of the tricks with any of the organic soils is knowing when their 'charge' runs out and either feeding it or top dressing with more so that the plants don't run out of nutrients. Your plants coasted along on the soil until it had used up all the nutrients it had to offer. The Grow Big, being a veg nutrient provided plenty of nitrogen, but not enough of the P/ when the soil ran out the plants started eating themselves.
Thanks for the tip. In your opinion what is a good fertilizer to use while it’s budding?