Almost finished with first grow. Could I have just had a bad plant? PICS


Well-Known Member
I vegged for about two months. I then purchased a timer, and begin flowering at signs of preflower. I was very lucky. I grew from bagseed, the only one that sprouted, and got a female. However, I'm now convinced that I may have had a bad plant this whole time. I've done much reading on this forum. I tried very hard, focusing and putting forth more than enough time any money for just one plant.

I end up having some minor problems during vegging, such as slow growth and droopy leaves. I recognize those mistakes and I understand the cause. I overwatered a little, and didn't transplant when the pot begame too small for the root system. Common mistakes for the new guy. However, I thought after 2 months of vegging and doing a lit of reading, that I was working my way up to only minor mistakes. Not to say it was even my fault, but I had MAJOR problems during flowering... Still am.

I flipped to 12/12 with CFLs, 2700K. Within three days, leaf tips began to crisp up. I added small amounts of moisture. Seemed to help the brown problem for a while, but the I started getting littl yellow dots which eventually turned into holes. Sprayed with alcohol in case of spider mite infestation. Then oldest leafs decided they hated me and started to start turning crisp again (brown) and some even started to yellow. I flushed, assuming that since I just added nutes to already fertilized soil, the plant had just became over fertilized. Didn't notice any problems for 2 days. Then, starting at the bottom, leaves began falling over and dying. All this time, I'm still getting decent bud production, keep in mind.

I tied them up to keep them from falling, but that didn't keep them from dying. I becames VERY confused. Still am. I have maybe 3 weeks left until harvest. Here are some of the latest pictures.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Well-Known Member
ive never grown with cfls, but i believe that is a typical yield?

So do you get better yield if you have at least one HPS during flowering? If so, I'll buy one and add it with the CFLs next time.

youve got ph and mg issues, whats your ph? nute regimen?

I have a ph meter which ended up being for liquids. Not sure how to test the soil now.

What's mg?

I used miracle grow soil. Feeds plants up to ten months. I also mixed in a little sand and clay. The 3 month mark may be hitting soon. However, with the four transplants, I added more soil each time meaning new soil that feeds up to three months was added. I also added a small amount of 15-15-15. That's when I got signs of over fertilization and flushed.


Well-Known Member
looks like ph problems to me too, water your plants until water first starts to drip out of the weep hole. catch that water and check your ph and adjust as needed. you want 6.5 in soil


Well-Known Member
Sorry but that plant looks horrible and its all your fault. You can read all you want but if you dont apply it then its worthless.

You will not see results immediately when growing in soil. You had problems and complicated it more by over reacting and continuing down that same path.

I'm not trying to argue with you or be nasty. Look at it as a good learning experience.


Well-Known Member
I just took an equal amount of soil and mixed it with a perfectly pHed 7.00 equal amount of water. I stirred and waited. Got a pH of 6.48. If that's not the problem, then could it be mg after all? Would Epsom salt help?


Well-Known Member
you should take a ph reading from the run off water that comes out of the pot when you water.

Okay. I'll do that in the morning when the light comes on and I water. I think my earlier reading will prove to be very similar. After the first reading, I tried something new. I took about 1 cup of soil from the pot. Placed it in a filter. Slowly poured 7.00 pHed water overtop and it went through and dripped out the bottom of the filter. I pHed that water. Got the same reading as the first mix and stir test - 6.78.

Is there any chance that this could be a nute deficiency of any kind?


Well-Known Member
Okay. I'll do that in the morning when the light comes on and I water. I think my earlier reading will prove to be very similar. After the first reading, I tried something new. I took about 1 cup of soil from the pot. Placed it in a filter. Slowly poured 7.00 pHed water overtop and it went through and dripped out the bottom of the filter. I pHed that water. Got the same reading as the first mix and stir test - 6.78.

Is there any chance that this could be a nute deficiency of any kind?
i dont think so


Well-Known Member
i started with 3-100 watt hps lights and then found that lumens dont add, sucked it up and bought the 400 -- now i have my second in the mail :):)

much better outcome


Well-Known Member
i started with 3-100 watt hps lights and then found that lumens dont add, sucked it up and bought the 400 -- now i have my second in the mail :):)

much better outcome

Well, what if I kept my CFLs and then added a 150w HPS. I can't afford a large rise in electric. I assume this would at least make it a little better?


Well-Known Member
I run two 600w hps and 3 CFL fixtures for clones and moms and I see 10-15 dollar increase per month.

You have to be running a couple 1000watters to spike your bill :)


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I'd go to home depot for a soil test (4 vials, 1ph, 1n, 1p, 1k) and you can test the soil the plant is currently using, just follow the directions. They have these tests from time to time. If they don't, hit a hydro store and pick one up. Mine worked perfectly and I use it around 3 times per cycle, just to ensure proper nutes and ph.

Also, my friend who is a landscape electrician says he uses 200w HPS or MH floods for most people's lawns and garages, which he claims they usually have two. If they want sidewalk lighting he'll usually install around (8) 20w CFL mini floods. That's 160w. If you compare all the watts used in a normal house, you shouldn't have any problems. Just don't seem paranoid if someone does call about increased consumption. Your mom has a respirator machine, or you just bought a new washer and dryer. OR maybe you had some landscape lighting done.
