almost got robbed by a ripper

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The guy I referred to that lives on my block took his plants down.
Musta has some moldy pot as he had a giant fire in his backyard and all I could see and smell was dope smoke lol.
His fences are 10 foot high could see the flames over the fence.
Lots of old people on my block in there 70s and 80s..all outside not minding there own biz.....
That’s the way it should be.
Edit: FFS, I must have been high. I thought you said “minding their own business”, didn’t see the “not”. Ya we have that here and I’m almost 60 so their real old lol. They all leave for Florida in November lol. I had to tell one to mind his own fucking business and stay the fuck off my property last week. Caught him wandering around on my place.
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all u guys with hand guns are crazy

they leave a trail leading right back to u .......most states take a test fire and shell to log into the system as u are the owner
the only way around this is to completely replace the barrel of the gun and to alter the hammer strike to get away with it

honsetly a shotgun is a better tool for protection and to keep from getting caught
1 the number of diff type shells (leathal non leathal flares )
2 it is a smooth bore so no rifling to compair too
3 the number of rounds .....yes u can get a extend clip but standard 8 rounds in a shotgun can be increase by using mini shells turns that number into 14
4 the sound of a cocking shotgun is known by most and alone is enough to scare ppl away
5 it is a long gun no need for state/federal paperwork
all u guys with hand guns are crazy

they leave a trail leading right back to u .......most states take a test fire and shell to log into the system as u are the owner
the only way around this is to completely replace the barrel of the gun and to alter the hammer strike to get away with it

honsetly a shotgun is a better tool for protection and to keep from getting caught
1 the number of diff type shells (leathal non leathal flares )
2 it is a smooth bore so no rifling to compair too
3 the number of rounds .....yes u can get a extend clip but standard 8 rounds in a shotgun can be increase by using mini shells turns that number into 14
4 the sound of a cocking shotgun is known by most and alone is enough to scare ppl away
5 it is a long gun no need for state/federal paperwork
And less chance of killing the family member on the opposite side of the wall, a way better choice for home defence in my opinion.
all u guys with hand guns are crazy

they leave a trail leading right back to u .......most states take a test fire and shell to log into the system as u are the owner
the only way around this is to completely replace the barrel of the gun and to alter the hammer strike to get away with it

honsetly a shotgun is a better tool for protection and to keep from getting caught
1 the number of diff type shells (leathal non leathal flares )
2 it is a smooth bore so no rifling to compair too
3 the number of rounds .....yes u can get a extend clip but standard 8 rounds in a shotgun can be increase by using mini shells turns that number into 14
4 the sound of a cocking shotgun is known by most and alone is enough to scare ppl away
5 it is a long gun no need for state/federal paperwork

Ha my first post in this thread I said a pump action shotgun. Chambering a shell alone would cause most to flee. And there are Less Lethal shells available. I'm not ready to use the final option over some plants.
Ha my first post in this thread I said a pump action shotgun. Chambering a shell alone would cause most to flee. And there are Less Lethal shells available. I'm not ready to use the final option over some plants.
to me, it's "not over some plants"'s a person with no morals or ethics, a lowlife piece of shit that does nothing but cause pain to other people so they don't have to work to support themselves. i feel like i'd be doing the world a favor if i turned someone like that into fertilizer. at least they'd be doing something for someone besides themselves for once in their entire lives.
These do wonders, too bad they are illegal to use
Or are they?

Have to Love a Good Bear Trap
Ha my first post in this thread I said a pump action shotgun. Chambering a shell alone would cause most to flee. And there are Less Lethal shells available. I'm not ready to use the final option over some plants.
Just empty the shells and throw rocksalt in, stings like a bitch
Just empty the shells and throw rocksalt in, stings like a bitch

Modifying shells demonstrates "intent" and the defense lawyer will play it to the hilt and fuck you.
If you don't want to kill them just use #8 - it'll hurt like fuck & the Dr. will have to dig out hundreds of those little bastards but if the recipient isn't too close it shouldn't kill em.
Fuck so instead of lead you’d be picking rock salt out of your face, sounds kind of like “possibly lethal” lol.
i've been shot in the ass with rocksalt, if you look back you can find the story somewhere on here, it burns like someone smeared napalm on your ass...they have to wash it out, all but the biggest chucks will disintegrate if they try to get it with tweezers.
this was from about 10 yards away out of a 12 gauge. hurt like a bastard, bled all over, then started to burn like fire....but not lethal. of course closer than ten yards, somewhere other than the ass, and maybe a different story
i've been shot in the ass with rocksalt, if you look back you can find the story somewhere on here, it burns like someone smeared napalm on your ass...they have to wash it out, all but the biggest chucks will disintegrate if they try to get it with tweezers.
this was from about 10 yards away out of a 12 gauge. hurt like a bastard, bled all over, then started to burn like fire....but not lethal. of course closer than ten yards, somewhere other than the ass, and maybe a different story

if the shot kills them that is their own fault by using the non lethal shell u are showing in a court u never ment to kill anything it was all protection
(body lands in the house u are fine body or blood outside the house in your in trouble for a bit)

a bean bag or rubber bullet or even those squeeze ball things can kill a person if u hit them in the sternum with in like 20 feet ( old wise tail u can kill a person dead if u hit their heart between a beat)

here is the trick
1 shell is a blank (for the cock and loud bang of a thunder shell)
2 shell is non lethal rock salt for the scatter pattern
3 shell is no lethal but it is more of a slug or bag
4 shell is lethal as in one of those Piranha scatter shells
5 reming to say i was in fear for my life i had no choice he was just charging me

here ......ops this is just to help in self defense of our crops against ppl were are allowed to shoot since we all posted our lands (or until they yell some law agent and show some paperwork)

merry xmas boys/girls it is 12 gauge ammo heaven ......the explosive rounds took out a 4x4
I just figured a chunk of rocksalt would cause a bit of damage but I’m not going to test any theories lol. I still think shooting someone is just a bad ideal lol.
Not a bad idea when they try climbing through yah window with machetes, i choose to shoot then risk getting hacked up
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