almost got robbed by a ripper

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Let me save you some grief before some meter reader or even a ripper sues your ass off

A booby trap may be defined as any concealed or camouflaged device designed to cause bodily injury when triggered by any action of a person making contact with the device. This term includes guns, ammunition, or explosive devices attached to trip wires or other triggering mechanisms, sharpened stakes, nails, spikes, electrical devices, lines or wires with hooks attached, and devices for the production of toxic fumes or gases.

If a person sets up such a trap to protect his/her property, he/she will be liable for any injury or death even to an unwanted intruder such as a burglar. It is illegal to set a booby trap on one's own property to prevent intruders.

The Geneva Convention, which applies to law governing wars, deals with booby traps as follows:

Without prejudice to the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict relating to treachery and perfidy, it is prohibited in all circumstances to use:

a. any booby-trap in the form of an apparently harmless portable object which is specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material and to detonate when it is disturbed or approached, or

b. booby-traps which are in any way attached to or associated with:

1. internationally recognized protective emblems, signs or signals;

2. sick, wounded or dead persons;

3. burial or cremation sites or graves;

4. medical facilities, medical equipment, medical supplies or medical transportation;

5. children's toys or other portable objects or products specially designed for the feeding, health, hygiene, clothing or education of children;

6. food or drink;

7. kitchen utensils or appliances except in military establishments, military locations or military supply depots;

8. objects clearly of a religious nature;

9. historic monuments, works of art or places or worship which constitute the cultural or spiritual heritage of peoples;

10. animals or their carcasses.

It is prohibited in all circumstances to use any booby-trap which is designed to cause superfluous injury or necessary suffering."

You may want to google the legal term lying in wait as well

I hear prison sucks !
anyone that comes in contact with my alarms have already passed thru locked gate, door, or window. the alarms outside are for notification and deterrent, the ones inside are behind a locked door or window and are aimed at predators and I have signs up.
I will need to wait a week before I get dogs. this sucks when I need them most. only plan of defense of they come back is fishing lines and motion light sensor.
anyone that comes in contact with my alarms have already passed thru locked gate, door, or window. the alarms outside are for notification and deterrent, the ones inside are behind a locked door or window and are aimed at predators and I have signs up.
It does not matter laws on the books forbid booby traps
I don't care if they have razor wire and electricity running thru it with neon signs warning people
You will be held liable
anyone that comes in contact with my alarms have already passed thru locked gate, door, or window. the alarms outside are for notification and deterrent, the ones inside are behind a locked door or window and are aimed at predators and I have signs up.
one fence/gate, one sign.... anything after that is the criminals problem... I can grow up to 36 plants legally in my place, i use DVR/NVR and a pretty solid cycle of someone being awake at any given time....

Best believe is someone was caught inside my grow room, they ain't leaving without a police escort, and if they try, they will need a paramedic as well.

As another poster said earlier... nothing is quite so jarring, or quite so distinguishable as the sound of a pump action shotgun being racked...
one fence/gate, one sign.... anything after that is the criminals problem... I can grow up to 36 plants legally in my place, i use DVR/NVR and a pretty solid cycle of someone being awake at any given time....

Best believe is someone was caught inside my grow room, they ain't leaving without a police escort, and if they try, they will need a paramedic as well.

As another poster said earlier... nothing is quite so jarring, or quite so distinguishable as the sound of a pump action shotgun being racked...
i have a blowgun, and i'm pretty fucking good with it. finding a 3 inch steel dart in your neck with no idea where it came from can be quite disconcerting, too
the side of the garage is were the ripper entered and left. I wanna lay wood with nails there. good idea? no one will go through that way. only a ripper
make sure it's gated/blocked off so no one can accidentally wander in there. throw a few other boards with nails around there so you can say it was just a pile of old boards back there
the real question here, is how did they know you were growing?
who have you or your partner told? who have you brought around?
even if you live in a legal state, don't fucking tell people what you're doing, for exactly this reason.......
get a couple of motion sensor lights, a couple of cameras, and a couple of signs that say smile, you're on camera. put the signs on the door the schmuck used to get in before.
if you live in a legal place and follow the rules, call the cops and report it, let them know there's someone running around the neighborhood, maybe they'll patrol the area a little more frequently.
it's blocked off by a tarp. the only way to enter the grow area with out being seen. the other way in they would be seen as my bedroom window is there
make sure it's gated/blocked off so no one can accidentally wander in there. throw a few other boards with nails around there so you can say it was just a pile of old boards back there
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