Great idea. We have them laying around the house for sure.I also received a vest made from kevlar
Great idea. We have them laying around the house for sure.I also received a vest made from kevlar
I have only 73 nowLots of big dogs. I like them to be big. Weigh well north of 100 pounds. Man killers, family savers. Use a pistol only in true self defence. Over plant limit is a 500 buck fine i think under prop 64. Just be under 99 and call popo. They charge thieves now. Supposedly..
I think i have the same vest...only if the decide to go after me inside my home
Don't rely on warning shots. Don't show you're piece until you are ready to drop a clip into them. Just make enough noise that they know you are there. save the gun for last piece is a .22 won't do any damage but I am relying on warning shots. my bro gonna get me something bigger in a few days.
Don't rely on warning shots. Don't show you're piece until you are ready to drop a clip into them. Just make enough noise that they know you are there. save the gun for last resort.
You lose much of your advantage also shooting a gun might provide the thief with a reason to consider you a deadly threat and use lethal force against you. The less they know about your defenses the better.what happens if I do warning shot?
I am in the mountainsYou lose much of your advantage also shooting a gun might provide the thief with a reason to consider you a deadly threat and use lethal force against you. The less they know about your defenses the better.
Question, are you right in town or outside of town?
You could probably get away with a warning shot....but it may make them come back with a gun next time...i
I am in the mountains
it's confirmed. I know who did it. the guy I suspect is sending gang members to do the hit here.
he bragged about knowing a place to hit to someone who happens to know me
Here are your options option #1it's confirmed. I know who did it. the guy I suspect is sending gang members to do the hit here.