I have had an Aloe plant I purchased at a Lowes some time ago sitting in it's original container. I decided to transplant it today. The soil it was in has been quite wet, though I don't water it very frequently (someone else may have). When I removed the plant from it's small container I found rotten roots, and some kind of small and very thin worm-looking creature. Quite certain these are not fungus gnat or fly larva, they are too thin and have no visible head. They almost looked like root hairs themselves, but they squiggle and move around.
Not certain if they are some kind of root-feeding nematode or other pest. I did transplant anyways, although I didn't remove all of the existing soil (probably should have). The soil I put them in has predator mites and I am hoping they'd eat them anyways, but if anyone can point me in the direction of an identification I would appreciate it.
Not certain if they are some kind of root-feeding nematode or other pest. I did transplant anyways, although I didn't remove all of the existing soil (probably should have). The soil I put them in has predator mites and I am hoping they'd eat them anyways, but if anyone can point me in the direction of an identification I would appreciate it.