Aloe FPJ (Fermented Plant Juice)

yeah I understand that is all that is needed but normally I think you benefit from the microbes that are outside with the plants. where I am the aloe would not be alive if it was outside right now since it is too cold and they have been inside their whole lives so they will not have a lot of biology on them so I just wanted to kick start things (-: Also I am a build a soil fan boi and love watching their you tube series. A while back they had the cat that makes the ferments that they sell and he did a walk through of making them and he used both labs and EM 1 so I am mimicking that is all. But yes you are 100% right that I dont NEED the labs and EM 1. Oh also the labs should have great micro biome.. they are from goat milk from goats we have on the property. Its all hand milked and not processed at all just filtered and to the fridge!
That's awesome man. Got some nice lab there.