Aloha Terps- Organic Rookie- KNF, Super Soil, Aquaponics. 1st scrog setup.

soo long story short. i tried to put the new big sean and kendrick lamar song on the above^^ video cuz its slaps hard af! but youtube kept yanking it for copyright reasons i guess :confused::finger::!:
i couldn't even find a decent version to post just to share.
so i guess you guys have to settle for this and find it on your own (i highly recommend you do)

Whats your soil? You say super soil? Like subcool type recipe or just a bomb soil you've put put together. Im using a fermented kitchen garbage compost in 1/3 of all my plants. Great stuff but i dont have manure so i have to supplement phosphorus elsewhere. So much N K in fkg. But i just make bone extracts for this.

Scrogs looking great! Iv yet to try a scrog. I can definitely see where its really stretching out the canopy surface.
my soil mix is pretty much just a sub cool recipe with the addition of live worms as well as the castings.
plus wood chips for top dressing. i've given her some KNF inputs as well.

I also started putting just a little bit of KNF inputs (FPJ's & FFJ's) into my aquapopnics system since i Just flipped those beds. every things going great zoo far. will upload another video soon.
have you ever made pot flour? you literally just decarb your trim leaves from the whole harvest or just fan leaves, or just sugar leaves, and pulverize it into a powder using a fpod processor or morter and pestel. it can replace wheat flour in a regular baking recipe or get tossed into a smoothie for proteins. taste great and give a pretty nice body high. i bet you could dry the pressed nugs/chips in the oven while decarbing and powder them for a pretty tastey flour also.