whered yu get that whitefly trap??the good thing about airation bags is no insects can get in from the bottom and jus have to lightly pest control the top soil.
I get those traps at any garden store. I really dont have much of an issue with bugs tho. In fact this crop has literally had none, not one bug! The traps are clean.lol
However, when i did have fly's I believe it was due to these cheap plastic grow bags i was using. Ive since switched to fabric bags that are far better. I'm still looking to try something new tho. This next round i might switch 'em up for aeration bags or something.
About the herms: The breeder was alphakronik. I started like six 10 packs of new strains(bad idea and lesson learned). Five did great and produced many desirable phenos, but I had some major problems with Sin city kush! I had All of 'em herm really bad. It happened around week 3 or 4 and after that everything in the room got dusted hard. Luckily, I was able to still beef 'em up till the end. I manage to still get a respectable yield in the end. However, It was still way lower than expected and could have been more. But, for what had happened Im lucky I got what I did. The quality was actually quite good. A few phenos were special. I really enjoyed a few flavors from that crop. Did have quite a few seeds tho. Some plants had it worse than others. Still was not bad bud. The worst would be like 100 seeds in an ounce. The better would be like 20-30 seeds in an ounce.
Im not sure what happened, but Ive been told the las vegas purple kush herms. Idk could have had something to do with it idk. Im thinking It may have been my feeding schedule or some other fault of mine??? Idk Plus, Since I was out of town for a few days I missed seeing this happen, I couldnt have stopped it, but I digress.
Im not going to bash the breeder he's a good dude. And like I said, I did find some keepsers. Unfortunately, I didn't keep any because I was unsure of what happened at the time. Upon reflection, I would probably Run the Bubba love and snowdawg2 again for sure. Those two have amazing flavor.
Now, on the breeding I might breed with GDP assuming I find something interesting and worth while. I started a 10 pack of kens gdp, but between some dying real young(runts) and a few not cracking I only have 5 Gdp's left. So, will shall see what happens with that. Honestly, I think my mendo montage plants will blow gdp right outa the water. She's such a pimp, such a winner! Check my new picture update when I post again. Omg, this baby is just great. Pimp macro's on the way!