Alprazolam vs Lorazepam

alprazolam or lorazepam

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Well-Known Member
my doctor gave me a choice of alprazolam or lorazepam. i've done both several times and i cannot notice a difference except alprazolam is about twice as strong per mg. it's not something i would take very often nor would i ever take a high dose. i find it pointless to take often. if i take it, then take the same dosage the next day, i feel almost nothing.


Well-Known Member
I would take anything but the xanax

Im sensitve to benzos but xanax hits me like a brick fast and wears off fast , Ativan seems more steady

But honestly sine I no longer do H so I no longer go thru withdrawl I have no use for that stuff


Well-Known Member
There are two chief measurements for benzos - duration and sedation. If you want sedation, go with the lorazapam. There are also considerations of clarity, muscle relaxant properties and memory loss both short term and long. Usually the short term ones are the most dangerous and also the most enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
If the choice was mine, I'd go Xanax. I've been on both and the Ativan seems to make me edgy the following day. I'm a huge believer in the responsible use of Xanax. For me at 6' 180 lbs, I never need more than 1mg to feel what I find useful.


Well-Known Member
strange about i have never been a person who took meds though as a young teen was prescribed zoloft and some other fix for my lack of care concerning authority.

anyways about 3 years ago when i finally kicked dope for real i was taking them to help sleep from an old script my girl had laying around. Now for whatever reason 2 separate times i awoke to complete hallucinations (didnt know it then though haha) one time i started talking shit to an invisible guy i saw sitting on a love seat in my room and my girl was yelling and crying like whats wrong as i pushed her aside and tried to give the guy in the chair a 5 piece to the chin.

2nd time i ripped my girls shirt like tore it in half and told her there was a tattoo needle in her neck and i was sorry and would fix it as im ripping her shirt again shes crying like wtf.

safe to say i stopped taking them and just dealt with the insomnia for the next month or so untill i could sleep but damn pharmaceutical companies push the most dangerous poison on the planet and get people to believe it is for their own good...amazing.

imagine selling someone some bud and telling them btw you may want to kill yourself or get diarrhea nausea vomiting etc and then have the person hand you money smile and tell anyone who questions it there an idiot. GENIUS


Well-Known Member
I have had a few RX's with warnings like

may cause cancer
May cause sudden liver failure
Sudden death may occur
throat swelling
ect. ect.

I know most of the things are just their for insurance reasons , still


Well-Known Member
All that may be true but the alternatives to benzos, barbiturates, chloral hydrstes and the like were a damn sight more dangerous.


Well-Known Member
If you need something infrequently for extreme anxiety/panic then Xanax is awesome. Ativan is better if you need something on a more frequent basis as the fast strong onset of alprazolam also means it's much more likely to turn into a problem and will do so faster if used regularly.


Well-Known Member
xanax totally destroyed my bodies ability to fall asleep naturally. i stopped taking them in september after years of regular use. dam doctor should have told me. i don't know if my body will ever go back to normal.


Well-Known Member
i decided to go with alprazolam. a friend of mine gets lorazepam and will give me them anytime i want. this way i get both except only 1 legally. i've always been responsible with using them. never once have i taken so much that i dont remember what i did the next day unlike many of my friends LOL. the worst for me was playing a video game and no remembering walking into bed when i was already real tired. i dont understand why some doctors give them for people to take everyday. i dont even really feel anything if i take it the next day unless i up the dose. keep doing that as time goes on and we all know the dangers that can happen.

i like them for 2 reason. 1 if im having a very stressful day, everything is either taking a shit on me or a bunch of little things piss me off. you know some asshole on the road pulls out in front and you gotta slam on your breaks almost causing an accident. heart races and feels like a heart attack. going 5 mph under the speed limit because the roads are bad and some asshole flys by in there 4 wheel drive piece of shit looking truck waving his finger. then you get to work and the few retards there(good people otherwise just not very smart sometimes) seem to be almost completely useless. it's stressful and not only thinking about it repetitively but picking up other people's slack really affects my performance at work. i just take a pill and i feel like none of it bothers me anymore. by the end of the day/night everything works out before i go to sleep, most of the time.

i also find a little bit of a higher dose to work very well with any kind of phobias or fears. if you have a surgery say and you are really scared about it, even cancer procedures, benzos work great to give courage.

i wonder if they ever use them in the military. if you dose properly, you will not have much fear of anything but at the same time, dont dose too high and you won't be too sedated to affect eprformance.


Active Member
don't take them to long herion withdrawl is a walk in the park compared to benzo withdrawl. also they loose all ability to ease your anxiety after you have been on the for some time. resulting I taking to much to get desired effects. and then withdrawls will last from weeks to almost year making them the worst drug. and also one you can die from withdrawls. people who thin they can "smart dose" probly have not used to long, it only gets worse.
and last but not least not remembering our last week or two because you had been n a benie blackout has caused me much grief over the years and will to anyone who choses this path.

mine were prescribed to me for 3 years and then bought them on the street. big waste.


Active Member
@dannyboy- your body should go back to normal. acute benzo withdraw can last for months and in some cases for a year or longer. my doctor never told me coming of them would be hell, I also took more than prescribed. after stopping taking them I was I rough shape for a couple months before my head stopped skipping and the withdraw siezures were gone. depending on how long you have been using them the withdraw could be nothing or hellish.
a simple way to tell which you are in for is do the benies work any longer? or do you still get high of a few mgs? if you still getting high from 3-4 mgs (klon or zanies) quit now it will be much easier. if you take 10-15mgs at a time and don't realy get much from it then it's going to hurt to quit and stopping cold turkey is also dangerous. if you are up this high in nums professional help may be required. Drs are willing sometimes to prescribe a taper dose for months to help you come down.


Well-Known Member
don't take them to long herion withdrawl is a walk in the park compared to benzo withdrawl. also they loose all ability to ease your anxiety after you have been on the for some time. resulting I taking to much to get desired effects. and then withdrawls will last from weeks to almost year making them the worst drug. and also one you can die from withdrawls. people who thin they can "smart dose" probly have not used to long, it only gets worse.
and last but not least not remembering our last week or two because you had been n a benie blackout has caused me much grief over the years and will to anyone who choses this path.

mine were prescribed to me for 3 years and then bought them on the street. big waste.
i have been 'smart dosing' for years. i just am able to take it legally now. there are times where i wont take it for months and i get no withdrawal. i've never had withdrawals from it. it's because i dont use a lot at once or for a long period of time. i take it like im supposed to. unlike you im not a junkie and have willpower.


Well-Known Member
i have been 'smart dosing' for years. i just am able to take it legally now. there are times where i wont take it for months and i get no withdrawal. i've never had withdrawals from it. it's because i dont use a lot at once or for a long period of time. i take it like im supposed to. unlike you im not a junkie and have willpower.
famous words of every one ever who thought they wouldn't have a problem and ended up with one. Judge not because first it's a disease, not some moral falling and two one day, and i hope not, it could be you. Addicts aren't created over night. Have some compassion


Active Member
i have been 'smart dosing' for years. i just am able to take it legally now. there are times where i wont take it for months and i get no withdrawal. i've never had withdrawals from it. it's because i dont use a lot at once or for a long period of time. i take it like im supposed to. unlike you im not a junkie and have willpower.
same thing I said over 20 years ago, funny everyone says the same. no worries buddy my junkie days have been over for some years now.

and yea one more thing I had always taken benies for many years, it took me maybe 20-25 years of taking them here and there before I finally got myself hooked. that is 20-25 years of taking them then finally getting a script led to finding unlimited resources of them on the streets it was not overnight by any means. the process was very slow. I thought i was "smart dosing" all along till the end.


Well-Known Member
i have been 'smart dosing' for years. i just am able to take it legally now. there are times where i wont take it for months and i get no withdrawal. i've never had withdrawals from it. it's because i dont use a lot at once or for a long period of time. i take it like im supposed to. unlike you im not a junkie and have willpower.

Everybody thinks they have everything wired when it comes to drugs. I am the most careful person you will ever meet. A quick question - how long is the half life of the benzos you are taking? If you can't say from memory instantly, then you aren't smart dosing, you are just fooling yourself. That crack about junkies is rather unpleasant. It is damn easy to stray even when one is "smart dosing" their opiates. I have never fallen into the trap but anyone who thinks they are impervious or somehow more strong than others is kidding themselves.