alright alright! First grow!


Well-Known Member
Looks good...the droopyness of those plants is probly from overwattering... Where did u get those reflectors for the cfls( I Like)
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Actually I've had them, They are just shop lights that you can hang on the hood of your car or wherever when you are working on the engine. (shop lights)

I'm sure you can find them at somewhere like home depot, loews, etc.


Well-Known Member
I'm using the 26 watt 5000k+ CFL lights I have 4 of those and 2 23 watt for growth until flowering which I will be using a 600watt hps


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the Ghetto Fab rig, you'll have fabulous results with it and then spend the money to get even better results only to figure out that no matter how much money you spend you will never match the results of your ghetto rig that you spent no money and little time on.

That's how it works for me.