Alright attacking this growing thing again...HELP!


Ok my first grow my plant died I put the light to close directly above the plant maybe 1 in...was only a 75 watt bulb but aparently it's the wrong kind LOL....

Anyway I have a little 3 ft by 4 ft closet in my house and I wanna turn it into a little grow room nothing real fancy just a basic setup maybe 2 plants. Looking for a good bulb someone said 600-1000 watts...well thats a bit extreme for a hobby. Could I settle for maybe a 100 watt bulb would it even grow? They said HPS was good but I think it's a bit much ... is their a bulb I could use that would work at 100 watt...most possible 250 watts like fluro? I want to use 1 bulb for the whole grow.

1st Week - Once a day
2nd Week - Once every 2 days
3rd week - Once every 3 days

And take it from there...

I'm growing in regular miracle grow says it's a 2 month feed.

Please critique my strategy...Remember i'm wanting to keep it simple for now i'm just starting to learn.



Oh no. ha get a 175 or 250 watt mh for the first 5 weeks of growth (the vegetative stage). Then get a hps bulb for the flowering stage. A 3x4 area is small so dont overheat with anything over 250 watt. Also line the walls with foylon or mylar, this will give your lights more reflective power (90% or so). And if you only have enough money to buy one bulb get a hps. But remeber you need to have a ballast in order to run the HID lights.

And with the watering schedule, man just go down in the soil about a half inch and check to see if it is dry. If it is then water. And remember in smaller pots it needs to be watered more often than say 3 or 4 gallon pots.

And for soil. If you are growing in miracle grow then after about 2 weeks start giving it half strength nutrient solution. Remember the higher the nitrogen and lower potassium level for the first 2 weeks encourages more females from seed.


Ok 175 watt HPS light... Foylon or is that and where would I get it? How far do I put a light like this from the plant?

And on the nutrient could you tell me a specific brand? Maybe a specific store to get this from...I've been trying to find all the things I need at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowes.


Ok 175 watt HPS light... Foylon or is that and where would I get it? How far do I put a light like this from the plant?

And on the nutrient could you tell me a specific brand? Maybe a specific store to get this from...I've been trying to find all the things I need at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowes.

Mylar is a reflective material that you line the walls of your grow room with to reflect the light that bounces back to your marijuana plant. You would go to a local hydroponic store to buy it. Or if you dont have access to a hydro store then paint your walls flat white. Not as effective but better than nothing. And a nutrient solution go to your local garden or nursery center and get a good grow formula like 7-10-6 or something for growth formula high in nitrogen and lower in potassium. Example advanced nutrients.. And lighting, keep it around 10-12 inches from the top of the plant.


First off, don't use MG time release soil. It's bad news, and you will end up with a repeat of your last grow. People in these parts like Fox Farms Ocean Forest, which can be bought on the internet and hydro shops. If you're not using some other sort of nutrients use FFOF soil. I think it's $25 a bag or so, not exactly sure I've never personally used it. I use Happy Frog and add my own nutes and fertilizers. I pay $11 for a big ass bag at my local normal nursery.

Second, watering once a day during the first week is way too much. You will saturate the roots and stunt/stop the growth. The roots won't reach for water if they are saturated all the time, and they won't get precious oxygen. On August 8 of this year I planted a batch of germinated seeds. I wet the soil before planting. I haven't watered since, and it will probably be another 24 hours before they get watered (I do not use a humidity dome for seedlings, only clones). My seedlings are doing great.

Regarding lights, maybe you should look into LEDs. I'll be honest I don't know much (if anything) about using LED to grow cannabis, but plenty of people here do. I use MH for veg and HPS for flower. LED lights can't produce the light intensity that HiD lighting (HPS and MH) can. That means if you have 2 almost identical set-ups with the only difference being the lights, the HID grow will out produce the LED grow. That being said plenty of people grow the dankest of dank using LEDs. LEDs produce low heat (compared to HID), and can change their spectrum of light output for different stages of growth (I think). The only thing is LED lights are a bit expensive, but they are semi-new technology. If you're interested in LED growing ask one of the LED growers around here.

Hope I helped some. If you're diggin what I had to say and I helped +Rep me. If I didn't help and you just wasted your time reading this belittle me and call me mean names.


Well-Known Member
i would say 250w hps for 2 plants, they don't get nearly as hot as they're larger versions, make sure you have a fan blowing on it and the plants to disperse what heat it has. there are many low odor strains that are perfect for you if you don't want anybody to find out. and for the MG, use it sparingly, it burns easily, I go 1/4th str starting a 2-3 weeks, then upping the str every week slowly til it gets to full str.


If this is your first grow and your only getting supplies from walmart or home depot you should just get cfl light .maybe two or 3 of can just use miracle grow for watering its best to just water them when the soil is dry on top i use to water them every two to three far as feeding dont even worry about it untill you read alot of info on this site.if your soil has food in it you dont have to feed them at all into you flower them.then you can use any basic blooming food from walmart.just make sure its about 1/4 strengh for the first week the slowing make it stronger.also try to give your plants fresh air by keeping a small fan blowing orver them not straight on them you just want the leaves waving around a little.If you keep it real simple they will grow fine alot of stuff you read on here is for more experienced people.


Definitly right on the ff soil, and led lighting. But the cost of led lighting is outrageous. For a 2 plant setup go with cheap and effective.



This link is how i started and it worked great for my first grow.As for lights stay away from hps and mh untill you have your first grow under your belt .just use cfls from walmart and if your starting from seed you only have to let them veg for a week.remember when veg the lights should be on for 20 hrs then when you decide to flower leave them on for 12 hrs.Pls remember all the people that are telling you that you need hps lights and fox fire nutes are either pros or dont really understand that you want to start out with a basic set up.Trust me you will learn alot by starting simple.If you have any questions plz feel free to ask.