Alright Barack Obama supporters, now what?

In IL the most of the Dems vote in favor of medical marijuana, so far only 1 repub has cast a vote in favor.
Please note that I specified FEDERAL. I quote myself:
Not once have they reversed any federal cannabis prohibition policy.
I made a distinction between a certain elected official who had one policy on cannabis when he was an ILLINIOS State Senate candidate/State Senator and now that he is POTUS-Elect. My statement was quite clear in that I was referring to Democratic policy at the FEDERAL level. For someone who harps on reading comprehension, yours is substantially lacking.
Coca-cola, diet, NOW.
I don't take orders from the 'help.'

Coffee. Black, no sugar. Make it hot this time.
But if the STATE votes in favor, that will help swing decisions on a FEDERAL level.
Since when? Policy goes top down in our DEMOCRACY. The desire to secure Federal grants drives much state policy.

What you say was true when we were a REPUBLIC.

Why do MMJ dispensaries fear Federal raids in MMJ states?
Not so much ice this time.
Wealth distribution has not taken effect just yet. Until then I work for myself, not you. You can get uppity then.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thank you!

The coffee is delicious!

Johnny, when at least 50% of the states pass medical marijauana laws the federal government is going to have to take a look around and change their laws. It'll be more than apparent this is what the people want.

I'll take some orange juice, make sure you strain the pulp out.
I'm a Vanilla Coke Zero gal m'self. When I'm not drinking iced tea, that is. :D

So, potroast just posted a press release in another thread. He's come out and said that he does not support dispensary raids or going after non-violent users. I say AWESOME! Hopefully this stance has an effect at a federal level. :D

I still hope he brings home all troops, not just those in Iraq, too.

Jesus, Hester! I detest pulp in my OJ, too! :shock:
I'm a Vanilla Coke Zero gal m'self. When I'm not drinking iced tea, that is. :D

So, potroast just posted a press release in another thread. He's come out and said that he does not support dispensary raids or going after non-violent users. I say AWESOME! Hopefully this stance has an effect at a federal level. :D

I still hope he brings home all troops, not just those in Iraq, too.

Jesus, Hester! I detest pulp in my OJ, too! :shock:

How would you go about bringing them all home, Sea? With one fell swoop and all the troops are out of the middle east?
That would honestly be my ideal scenario. I see no reason to dally about with it.

Unfortunately, considering that we're now making incursions into Pakistan (got it partway right I guess, if it's really "war on terror" shit, but they've gotta hit the Saudis to really sweeten that deal) and at the same time training Pakistanis, I don't think we're even CLOSE to such an idea.
Many if not most Washington DC employees have past experience as lobbyists. It'd be hard to find qualified employees if you excluded everyone with past lobbying experience. Also, most lobbyists aren't really bad people, I mean there are lobbyists who work on behalf of autistic kids or cancer research. Heck, NORML probably hires lobbyists too.

Ron Paul has probably set the record for number of house votes that went 434-1 or 1-434, where he was the 1. Not exactly a team player, that Ron Paul. :p
Ooo! A Maverick! :lol: --> :o It's not Sarah anymore! No more fun with Sarah. Damn. :( Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
^^^ The site used to be Palin as President.
You're insane.

Youre one of these worthless idiots on his high horse about how "this is reality, dont try to change it". Yeah, you're fucking stupid when you vote for the bank owned candidates, yeah, you're fucking stupid if you think socialism is an answer, and yeah, you're fucking stupid if you watch television all day. I dont care what is popular, change can happen, but because of people like you, it can take a long time. You seem rational to most, but to me you are another one of these "man you complain too much, you're right, but fuck it". If you're going to be another one of those repeaters just shut your mouth and

Ooo! A Maverick! :lol: --> :o It's not Sarah anymore! No more fun with Sarah. Damn. :( Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
^^^ The site used to be Palin as President.
Sometimes though, you have to suck it up and compromise. This is something I think Obama does well.

That's cool how they redid the palinaspresident site with the Yes We Can music. I like how the old site is at

Oh, that reminds me of another Obama music video:

Sometimes though, you have to suck it up and compromise. This is something I think Obama does well.

That's cool how they redid the palinaspresident site with the Yes We Can music. I like how the old site is at

Oh, that reminds me of another Obama music video:


omg that made me lol so hard that's some funny shit!
I was so sad that they took down the palin as pres site. It was one of my favorite things. I'll have to check out Barack as pres now, but you're right Seamaiden, it won't be as funny !!!
I was so sad that they took down the palin as pres site. It was one of my favorite things. I'll have to check out Barack as pres now, but you're right Seamaiden, it won't be as funny !!!
you can still see the old site by going to

But yeah, probably no more updates.

smarts - you got barackrolled!
He said that, huh? :lol:

Is there ANYONE else here who uses actions to gauge, instead of words? Or, how about just matching words to actions and see if they fit?

Yes we can
You dont have to mean it, just has to be loud
Say it in unison, and act real proud,
Yes we can

Goooo Obama!!!!