Alright Barack Obama supporters, now what?

Oh, by the way, Obama is also part Cherokee, on his mother's side. Bet you didn't know that!

BIG hairy deal! I'm also part cherokee which makes me a "mutt" too. I'm sure all of us on here are "mutts" one way or another. any pure breeds of anything out there? haha im only racist against those that are racist against me. so i guess i hate everyone equally. calm down im only joking about that one.
explain to me why so many (record breaking) blacks voted for the first time in their lives? alot of them being older folks... that to me is RACIST!! i'm 28 about to turn 29 this sunday and i have voted a total of three times. whatever.
I wonder who else is going to be shacking up with them in the white house? :lol: Oh there's a change a coming alright....:lol:
BIG hairy deal! I'm also part cherokee which makes me a "mutt" too. I'm sure all of us on here are "mutts" one way or another. any pure breeds of anything out there? haha im only racist against those that are racist against me. so i guess i hate everyone equally. calm down im only joking about that one.
explain to me why so many (record breaking) blacks voted for the first time in their lives? alot of them being older folks... that to me is RACIST!! i'm 28 about to turn 29 this sunday and i have voted a total of three times. whatever.
happy early Bday,...

And I totally agree with you, there is NO pure races, this is what I find funny about ANY supremicist white black green or purple,,

nah screw that we can be racist against the green and purple ones..

Anyway, It is racism regardless of whos doing it, if we had a white democrat everyone fell in love with and thought was a rock star and a new wave of young and old whites went to go vote for them in DROVES it would still be on the news constantly about our blatant racism...
Not one word is mentioned about it though in todays situation but its the same matter that persons color..

I still cant get over that one black chick who went on talking about how She dont have to worry about her bills and food and this and that and Baracks gonna fix it all ...She was already planning on a hand out and just gleaming with anticipation.
I hope she dont get disappointed when she sees Barack has no more ability to save the world than superman, oh wait he dont exist...and neither does that womans reality and dream...

Shell be jsut as poor in 4 years as she was 8 ago....same dance different song...
happy early Bday,...

And I totally agree with you, there is NO pure races, this is what I find funny about ANY supremicist white black green or purple,,

nah screw that we can be racist against the green and purple ones..

Anyway, It is racism regardless of whos doing it, if we had a white democrat everyone fell in love with and thought was a rock star and a new wave of young and old whites went to go vote for them in DROVES it would still be on the news constantly about our blatant racism...
Not one word is mentioned about it though in todays situation but its the same matter that persons color..

I still cant get over that one black chick who went on talking about how She dont have to worry about her bills and food and this and that and Baracks gonna fix it all ...She was already planning on a hand out and just gleaming with anticipation.
I hope she dont get disappointed when she sees Barack has no more ability to save the world than superman, oh wait he dont exist...and neither does that womans reality and dream...

Shell be jsut as poor in 4 years as she was 8 ago....same dance different song...

Thanks for the early birthday wish. :)

I'm glad someone agrees with me. haha. I know some people are going to be like wtf? and will probably end up hating him for not saving them or whatever they think he'll do. All i can say is Obama kill them softly. hehe.

I agree with you too.
I don't deny that there are people out there with unrealistic expectations of the Obama presidency. But I do believe that Obama will indeed change this country for the better. Be cynical all you want, but that attitude never accomplished anything.
I don't deny that there are people out there with unrealistic expectations of the Obama presidency. But I do believe that Obama will indeed change this country for the better. Be cynical all you want, but that attitude never accomplished anything.

I'm one who's hoping that Obama will change the country for the better. The problem is, Obama's idea of what's better for the county is probably far different than what my idea is. Mmmmm ... is that cynical? bongsmilie

I'm one who's hoping that Obama will change the country for the better. The problem is, Obama's idea of what's better for the county is probably far different than what my idea is. Mmmmm ... is that cynical? bongsmilie

I was mainly referring to the last two posters. You're not cynical at all, just deluded. ;)
And, as those of us who supported a real underdog have been reminded for at least two years now, there really is only so much a president can do. The real power lies in Congress. Are We The People paying attention to them?
Its not about being cynical or diluted. Its about really wondering how all this is going to happen. People really think change is going to happen the minute he is in office but dont even stop to ask how.
Tax Corporations and people over 250,000 OK fine then they will fire people and raise prices...
Give Corporate Tax breaks and taxes back to people , jobs get created and people make more which cause gas to rise along with food prices since we have money to spend...
Vicious circle of crap. Isnt it funny gas dropped to pre 2002 prices right after the market stalled and the bailout happened, because nobody has money to buy it. So what is the excuse for it to be 5 effing dollars when we do...

There is nothing he can do to stop that its is simple supply and demand...more demand=more price.
Taxing people over a certain amount and taxing Corps wont effect that, it will make it worse by passing the extras on to the taxpayers.
FLAT TAX is better, then all the under the table workers and illegals and free enterprise people will pay at wal mart and taco bell. Every dollar spent gets a 25 cent tax. NOTHING OUT OF YOUR CHECK.
Nobody can get around it everyone pays and we have billions more money...
Simple economics.
Jesus the podunk auto shop down my road looks like a hole in the wall and that poor man Grosses 347,000 dollars a year. Hes rich I guess according to Obama.
He told me 100,000 off the top in Wages for employess, 17,000, in yearly holiday supplies and bonuses, 50-70000 in electricity/gas and supplies and parts..not to mention other bills, property tax, his families food, and mortgage, simple unexpected needs over the year...material wants and care and med bills
what does this leave him with? More taxes since hes above 250,000 a year.
How Cynical or diluted are the facts.
But with this flat tax nothing out of your check idea, what about social security and medicare tax? State tax?

Wouldn't it just burn if they abolished the federal income tax but kept up the other 3 along with the 25 cents on the dollar?

Be careful what you wish for.
And, as those of us who supported a real underdog have been reminded for at least two years now, there really is only so much a president can do. The real power lies in Congress. Are We The People paying attention to them?

You must mean the Democrats 8% approval rated Congress which the country just rewarded for doing such a great job? (I won't list their failures, it will take too long)

It was the Democratic Congress which did President Carter in, and if Obama goes down in flames, it will be the Dem's with blood on their political hands .. again.

Obama will have to be strong and if he is truly going to be a great President, he is going to have to say NO to many things.

You can be a "popular" president (think Clinton, willow tree), or you can be a "leader" president (think Bush, Oak tree), but only every once in a while can you be both ( think Reagan, Redwood tree)

Here's hoping that Obama is a Redwood tree, for all our sakes.

out. :blsmoke:
or you can be a "leader" president (think Bush, Oak tree), but only every once in a while can you be both ( think Reagan, Redwood tree)
Really??? I beg to differ. Think Bush (Idiot), Think Reagan (Trickledown). Just my humble opinion, BTW, think Clinton (best economy since I've been alive)
Democrat or Republican, Jax, We The People do not follow the fucking bouncing ball. We are the United States of Amnesia, through and through.
Every president we've ever had has been working towards their own vision of the future - Not Yours.
Every president we've ever had has been working towards their own vision of the future - Not Yours.
Every person in the US has a different vision of the future though. The purpose of an election is to pick the guy whose views are most in line with the country's.
Every person in the US has a different vision of the future though. The purpose of an election is to pick the guy whose views are most in line with the country's.

I don't think that was really the motivating factor behind the elections this year. I think it was more about people not electing another Republican on the basis that what happened during the last year.

Kind of shoots your theory down.
I don't think that was really the motivating factor behind the elections this year. I think it was more about people not electing another Republican on the basis that what happened during the last year.

Kind of shoots your theory down.
It doesn't invalidate anything I said. The purpose of an election really is to choose a candidate whose views are similar to those of the country as a whole. That's the whole point of having an election.
and the country as a whole seemed to determine that Obama is the guy that shares the same views. Based on votes cast, he was chosen by the people.

How about giving the guy a chance? He might be able to get us un the road to being unfucked.
and the country as a whole seemed to determine that Obama is the guy that shares the same views. Based on votes cast, he was chosen by the people.

How about giving the guy a chance? He might be able to get us un the road to being unfucked.
Exactly. Even the dems got behind Bush at the beginning, until he proved himself incompetent, that didn't take long, at least give Obama that common curtesy. If he makes some idiotic decisions (In your view) then tell us what is wrong with them and how they should have been different. That sounds like a fair view, NO?
Just because a candidate says something, doesn't mean it'll get done (privatizing social security and reforming the tax code, anyone?). McCain definitely lost my vote when he said he wants to build 45 nuclear power plants, and cut taxes at the same time (when insurance companies won't touch nuclear power plants, they have to be subsidized by the government). Where would they put these plants, I know I don't want one in my state :(

BTW I am an independent, and I'm waiting for Obama to be sworn in before I judge his Executive decisions, so that's what's now.