alright fellas need well rounded advice


New Member
I've just received my seeds today all autoflowering feminized seeds. 2 red poison 1 sour diesel 1 ak automatic and 1 blue queen...gonna start soon still trying to figure out what kind if lights I need to go with and what kind if nutes I need anyone?
I have a basic knowledge but it really depends we all would need to know a lot more about what you are trying to accomplish such as how much you plan to try and yeild how long you plan to veg , do you want organic or not, how much you have to spend on lights nutes etc... Let us know a little more and i will be glad to help anyway i can. ( my first grow right now 1000$ start up cost for me but im realy cheap..... But my plants dont show it!


New Member
It doesn't matter with autoflowering feminized seeds they automatically veg and flower when they decide to I don't control that..I'm just wanting a high yield from my seeds as much as possible but I'm going cheap around 200 dollars at most I'm spending in things it's my first grow I'm not buying a tent or anything like that I'm planning on building my own box and cutting holes for ventilation with fans..and there will be Mylar in the box for reflective purposes but other than that it doesn't matter I just need to kno what lights I need for both periods is there a type of light I can put up for both flowering and vegging? And Idk what kind of nutes I need but I already know I'm getting some organic soil with fertilizer and I'm putting half perlite in it


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter with autoflowering feminized seeds they automatically veg and flower when they decide to I don't control that..I'm just wanting a high yield from my seeds as much as possible but I'm going cheap around 200 dollars at most I'm spending in things it's my first grow I'm not buying a tent or anything like that I'm planning on building my own box and cutting holes for ventilation with fans..and there will be Mylar in the box for reflective purposes but other than that it doesn't matter I just need to kno what lights I need for both periods is there a type of light I can put up for both flowering and vegging? And Idk what kind of nutes I need but I already know I'm getting some organic soil with fertilizer and I'm putting half perlite in it

Well I can tell you now, 200 is only enough for lights if you want a decent yield

you can build a box and stuff that's fine, I did that when I first started but the hole saws are 50 bucks for a 6 inch, your gonna need a inline fan with a carbon filter for smell.. I payed 120 for a 4 inch fan and filter I paid 160 or so for a 6 inch fan and filter not to mention you need ducting

since its your first grow, you need nutes, soil, ph meter, microscope for trich checking.. I mean your gonna spend more then 200 you get back whatever you put into it.

My first grow, had 3 plants. I got a 400w hps spent about 1k at max I say around 800 honestly but I can't totally be sure. Anyways, I got a oz per plant. In my area good bud goes for 240 a oz easy so I got over 700 In just my first grow..


Active Member
either T5 flouros or cfls seem to be your option or a smaller wattage hid hood if you can score one cheap. craigslist is the shit for most of that stuff if your on a tight budget. as for nutes i would run gen hydro maxibloom, kicks ass for the price. and you can use it from clone to cola. treats like 200gallons for $15.. not bad

Happy Growing


New Member
See I got a couple people to help me but if I'm out in the country does it matter to have something to mask the smell?


I've just received my seeds today all autoflowering feminized seeds. 2 red poison 1 sour diesel 1 ak automatic and 1 blue queen...gonna start soon still trying to figure out what kind if lights I need to go with and what kind if nutes I need anyone?
just from my knowledge and experienc, During the Veg. cycle your plant is gonna need Nitrogen, flowering it will need more phosphorus and less nitrogen. A plant needs nitrogen to grow. Just dont over do it with the nuts. use them like every other feeding, same as when your flowering. With the lights, it all depends on how many your growing and how much money your looking to spend on em?


New Member
Well I can tell you now, 200 is only enough for lights if you want a decent yield

you can build a box and stuff that's fine, I did that when I first started but the hole saws are 50 bucks for a 6 inch, your gonna need a inline fan with a carbon filter for smell.. I payed 120 for a 4 inch fan and filter I paid 160 or so for a 6 inch fan and filter not to mention you need ducting

since its your first grow, you need nutes, soil, ph meter, microscope for trich checking.. I mean your gonna spend more then 200 you get back whatever you put into it.

My first grow, had 3 plants. I got a 400w hps spent about 1k at max I say around 800 honestly but I can't totally be sure. Anyways, I got a oz per plant. In my area good bud goes for 240 a oz easy so I got over 700 In just my first grow..
Well u pretty much got back what u spent but u really didn't make any profit


Well-Known Member
hey brother you should post in the autoflower section
you will get all the help you need on auto specific questions :)


Well-Known Member
200 to 350 on lights 200 on the pots soil n nutes that's about my budget
Good luck with that bro. You need a bunch of things that cost $450 that you dont even know about yet. Its not as easy as just getting a light, some nutes, and soil. There is a lot of stuff you'll need. I hope it works for you. BTW...I think it was pretty rude to judge someones yield when you dont know jack shit yet. At least they came away with a product.


Well-Known Member
soil 50/50 perlite and soil or soiless
try to steer clear of time released nutes/ferts that alot of soils contain
atleast a 3 gal pot

dont over water

plant directly in final container for best results
and use a spray bottle while germinating to be sure not to over water

start with shallow wide waterings working to deeper ones after established

pic up the pot after water learn what it weighs
use this to judge if it needs watering or not

lights can be cfl's i have a really cheap site

you want atleast 100w of cfl's a plant

your also want to use " Low Stress Training"
to maximize your light foot print

take $150 of your budget and invest it in JUST lights

probably $40 total for this

take the 10 bucks and put it towards fixtures
i usually use the outdoor one with the 2 screw in spots
security light with out the sensor there fairly cheap
they will need to be modified for the bulb to screw in
try to screw the bulb in and its obvious what needs to be done
hack saw fixes this problem in a minute or so


Well-Known Member
i would only grow 1 or 2 plants at a time get a 400 watt light with a hood or cool tube and a fan with carbon filter if its going to be indoors. get some peters citrus 20-10-20 and get good soil not stuff from walmart. make sure heat isnt an issue and you should grow great.


Well-Known Member
That low a budget, you'd have to go the CFL route... and even then, just lights are gonna set you back almost $100. A large Rubbermaid bin, maybe $20 and pot and soil $40, computer fans $20... So you're cutting it real, real close, but it can be done. Don't waste money or time on mylar, use tin foil, it's a low-budget micro grow there's no point to mylar.


New Member
Good luck with that bro. You need a bunch of things that cost $450 that you dont even know about yet. Its not as easy as just getting a light, some nutes, and soil. There is a lot of stuff you'll need. I hope it works for you. BTW...I think it was pretty rude to judge someones yield when you dont know jack shit yet. At least they came away with a product.
I didn't mean to come off rude my friend I was just saying like I didn't think it was gonna be this expensive...wasn't trying to dog on anyone I just didn't think it was gonna be this much to spend to get a very low yield kinda blew me away after what I was told by a friend who has done this before


Well-Known Member
See I got a couple people to help me but if I'm out in the country does it matter to have something to mask the smell?
yea I think it does. I got one and I live n the country too if, not during flowering when ppl open the door to your house they are gonna smell your grow

Well u pretty much got back what u spent but u really didn't make any profit
yeah we'll that's just first grow I'm on my 4th now


Well-Known Member
yeah we'll that's just first grow I'm on my 4th now
Tell a legitimate businessman his investment will be returned in full in four months and will multiply every four months thereafter, and he will pull out his checkbook before you can finish the sentence.