alright for soil?


Well-Known Member
i am thinking about doing 25 plants outdoors..

no strain just awesome seeds that i have had for a couple years.. i have alot of muddy boggy earth in my area.. when you mix it up it stinks like manure.. (but it isn't)

i was wondering would i beable to mix this with a bag of soil bought from a store and then put it in my holes... would it be good enough for the plants to grow in... and i will be feeding some nutrients after a month or so...
Well it sounds like it would be pretty wet --- if you do mix it with something, make sure that the drainage is good and that there isn't any stagnant water that could cause root rot. Though, this is just my take on things, I'm an indoor grower, so I don't truly know what kindof outdoor soils will work-- but I know too much moisture is a bad thing despite the location. Also I messed up a couple plants sue to Ph issues-- may want to test that boggy soil, as you describe it, to make sure it's acceptable to plant your cannabis in.

Hate to see you lose 25 plants b/cuz of soil issues man. Good luck :)
like toke said check your ph.. and mainly add stuff for drainage chances are the soil there will be good and there will be no need for store bought ..... do some reaserch on soil mixtures and see what other pepole use i use perlite but my soil is already has decent drainage..good luck