Alright, here's a question that's been bugging me


Active Member
If I re-vegged a feminized plant after harvest (after chopping her, leaving only popcorn buds and sit her back under the light) and took clones.... Vegged the clones and put them back into flower and they Hermed would I get feminized seeds identical to the mother/doner?

Hope this makes sense, so does anyone know what the fuck I'm talking about?



Well-Known Member
You have to take into consideration what made the herm. Was it something you did intentionally? The seeds you get from these plants with be femanized seeds but they will be more likely to herm from what ever the mother plant hermed from. Say it was from the light stress, the new seeds with have a higher chance of herming with changes to your light schedule. They might be femanized seeds, but you have to wonder if they are going to be worth keeping.


Active Member
Ah, well I was assuming the stress from revegg would eventually cause a plant to herm. Seeing that the clones are taken from a re-vegged mother plant? Hell, I think I'm getting more confused.


bud bootlegger
the only reason a well made fem strain hermies is by the application of a chemical to make it hermie.. we all know what chemicals these are...
if these chemical weren't applied, then the plant should never have hermied on it's on if it comes from stable genetics, therefore, the plants that it produce shouldn't hermie unless given the same chemicals..
this means that revegging a plant shouldn't get enough stress to cause it to go hermie ...

saying this though, not all breeders use stable genetics to create fem seeds.. it's really up to the buyer to learn what breeders have issues with their fem gear.. some of these companies that come to mind are greenhouse seed company, barneys farm, amoungst a few others..


Active Member
Thanks for the insight racerboy, hmm, you're saying barneys farm has problems with femmed seeds? Which strains? Or all thier strains? This saddens me :(


bud bootlegger
Thanks for the insight racerboy, hmm, you're saying barneys farm has problems with femmed seeds? Which strains? Or all thier strains? This saddens me :(
this is only what i've heard m8 as i've never grown any of their gear due to such rumors, lol.. but yah, i've heard that have a lot of issues with their fem gear for sure..