alright what is ....this...??


Well-Known Member
that other plant is not weed. and unless you have better photos, its too early to tell.


Active Member
is this close up a female?? and... what the shit is the different plant, my stoner friend said it was weed lol
dont know what the fuck that other 1 is but the close up is definetly female u can see the little white pistels :)


Well-Known Member
there are better pics, in fact i see white things appearing... i am then 100% sure it is not an hermt? cuz the plant got stressed like hell lol....
i planted the ufos lol, may be it is weed, just not cannabis i think...


Global Moderator
Staff member
there are better pics, in fact i see white things appearing... i am then 100% sure it is not an hermt? cuz the plant got stressed like hell lol....
i planted the ufos lol, may be it is weed, just not cannabis i think...
The small white pistols show this to be a female, however if it is a hermaphrodite you won't know that until it starts throwing male flowers.


Active Member
there are better pics, in fact i see white things appearing... i am then 100% sure it is not an hermt? cuz the plant got stressed like hell lol....
i planted the ufos lol, may be it is weed, just not cannabis i think...
Do you have any idea what a herm is? Just because it has pistils coming out doesnt mean it wont herm. Herms can be females that just herm in certain conditions or due to stress. Definately a female plant just try not to stress them dont take it for granted she can herm.

What the hell are you still doing with those 2 plants in there bro. That is not weed, cannabis, marijuana, what ever you wanna call it. You already asked about these on another thread you started and everyone told you that wasnt weed. It clearly looks like a kind of basil are you sure your buddy didnt say it was an herb. That doesnt mean its herb/bud. You ask for our advice and our help we all tell you to get those things out of there and you still keep them in there. If your not going to listen after everyone tells you then dont waste our time asking. There are people here that really need help and are trying to learn. I dont know what kind of weed yall be smoking but that shit is clearly not bud.


Active Member
Ohh and one more thing to the guy who says males produce buds with seeds.... Males DO NOT produce bud or seeds. Male produce naners or pollen sacs used to pollenate female who then grow buds full of seeds.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ohh and one more thing to the guy who says males produce buds with seeds.... Males DO NOT produce bud or seeds. Male produce naners or pollen sacs used to pollenate female who then grow buds full of seeds.
Its a quote from an ignorant member - click the link & note that I set him straight.


Well-Known Member
i just wanted to be sure now that they are bigger before throw them away, thanks for the answer every one! i am happy cuz this is my first grow and i got a female hehehe


Active Member
Good for you buddy Im glad you got a female there. I wasnt trying to be a dick. I just didnt understand why you still had them there. I remember my first grow. Takes me back about a good 13 yrs when I first started experimenting with cannabis cultivation. Hope everything works out for you and dont be afraid to ask questions, and remember research is key in this game and always look for several opinions never go with the first one this way you can weigh out your options. Let me know if there is anything I can help you out with along the way. Happy Growing!!!!




Active Member
Your 2 funky looking plants, look to be a heavily indica weird strain, I planted some aurora indica a couple months back and my wife swore they were cabbage when she saw them, was the wierdest looking leaves every, and they looked kinda like what you have growing there... mine were a bit more rounded but same basic leaf look. I would not toss them, 1 of the 2 that looked that way was a male but the other was female and actually in bloom right now doing very very good.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Your 2 funky looking plants, look to be a heavily indica weird strain, I planted some aurora indica a couple months back and my wife swore they were cabbage when she saw them, was the wierdest looking leaves every, and they looked kinda like what you have growing there... mine were a bit more rounded but same basic leaf look. I would not toss them, 1 of the 2 that looked that way was a male but the other was female and actually in bloom right now doing very very good.
I would be interested in seeing a pic of that one.


Active Member
Yes please post a pic. I just cant see that being cannabis. I have grown various strains in my time both indicas and sativas and no cannabis plant in the world looks like this bro Im sorry. That is not Cannabis dont listen to this guy ojitos. Its basil or maybe even sunflowers like cannabutt says. Look up basil plants and sunflower plants on google from what I see on your pics its one of those. Get rid of them bro dont risk your little female. You already have a sex'd female bro just take cuttings from it later. Its your first grow anyways you dont wanna overwhelm your self with too many plants. Stick to that female you have that you are sure of get your feet wet and be happy with what you get.
