Also Running...


Well-Known Member
Amy Klobuchar announced her run for President in 2020.


I am pretty sure nobody cares.

But it is sad that Tty isn't here to point out that she is a corporatist shill, running dog revisionist, establishment neo-liberal.
Amy Klobuchar announced her run for President in 2020.


I am pretty sure nobody cares.

But it is sad that Tty isn't here to point out that she is a corporatist shill, running dog revisionist, establishment neo-liberal.
Yep, sounds good to me.

I'm looking forward to learning how Republicans will try to assassinate her character too.
You are so uneducated it's beyond belief.

Climate change results in unpredictable, extreme weather - which we're having.

February is typically the coldest month in Georgia. It was 80 degrees a few days ago. The wife and I did early yard work pruning our rose bushes and crepe myrtle trees. It was 70 the day after that. Average high temperature for those days historically: 40 degrees.

It snowed three days before that.

Climate change screws with the jet stream in a big way, causing undue warmth, record snow, floods, stronger hurricanes in larger numbers and much more.

And that is exactly what we're seeing.
SnowWomen sounds like that other angry drunk women that ran for POTUS in 16'. Except SnowWomen doesn't dress in Kirby vacuum cleaner bags or is propped up with metal pegs and widgets.