Alternating Between 640w of CFL and 270w of HPS


Active Member
Hi guys. Ive searched far and wide for an answer to this question and Im hoping someone can give some informed advice.

Due to space limitations the grow was split into 2 rooms. One with 640w (real watts) of CFL and one tall closet with a 270w HPS in a cool tube. Now obviously the buds coming from the HPS room are going to be bigger and fatter than the CFL...not to mention overall weight.

So here is my question. Im thinking of alternating the girls so for example for 2 days 6 girls are in the HPS and 6 are in the CFL and alternate them like this for the rest of flowering. Currently they are 3 weeks into flowering and doing wonderful.

So what is the verdict on this plan?


Active Member
they would continuously stress due to the slight changes in light temperature and lumens. They would be to confused to focus on growing.


Well-Known Member
yea I belive Homer is right ... dont stress the plants to much .. specialy not in flowering .. I dont even rotate/turn mine ..

but why not use the CLF to Veg with and the tall room with the HPS to flower with ? .. that way you have a nice big veg plant ready evry 8 week when you haverst the other one .. veg em big .. top em .. LTS em .. make a sea of green with one plant in the tall closed ..


Well-Known Member
640 watts, that's a lot for CFL. You may get good results with them its hard to tell. But homer/slipon is correct it will do more harm then good to alternate.

Edit: the best approach if its possible is combine all of the lights in a single grow area. The HPS in the center and the CFLs around it for supplemental light. Or you could keep them separate and use one area for veg and one for bloom as suggested above.