Alternative methods


Active Member
Im going on a 2 day trip with my family, Im looking for a way that I can medicate a little bit while im there without smoking. I have heard about tincture but never done it. If anyone has experience with tincture or have an idea for me thatd be cool thanxx
Medicate yourself on pills and Cough Medicine, no I'm kidding :D

I know you said you're looking for a way without smoking, but I wanna suggest you make a little tinfoil home-made handheld pipe :D You can make it any size you want. Just go to the bathroom (or outhouse) and take a hit, or w.e :D And once you're done just c rumple it up and toss it. Easy as that.

I'm trying to think of some other ways that you can medicate without smoking, and I can't think of any besides doing other drugs lol
Edibles in the form of butter made products. Don't know how much time you have before, but I would make butter and turn it into brownies. Works great for me when traveling.
Peanut butter works well too, I make firecrackers all the time. I'd make a whole jar with an ounce and a little bit of oil added to it, no heating necessary just let it sit in a closet for a week or two before your road trip.

You could also use everclear, the higher the alcohol content the better. I've also considered vegetable glycerine for making green dragon soda but I never got past canna butter and peanut butter.

Here's a recipe for green dragon soda, tells you how to make the tincture.

edit: whatever you do, grind up your weed really good :leaf:
Thanx guys! i cant make edibles, i would have to buy some out here in california. im thinken of just gettin a tiny pipe and make due with sneaking away from the fam once in a while. like before we go eat so i can actually eat lol
Edibles in the form of butter made products. Don't know how much time you have before, but I would make butter and turn it into brownies. Works great for me when traveling.
Would drug sniffing dogs at the airport or ship terminals smell the brownies?

Which brings me to another question. Let's say you have been toking big time for weeks. Now I know you would fail the ridiculous non-impairment urine test, but would the dogs be able to smell THC coming out of your sweat glands?
we are traveling a couple hours by car. i plan on going to the med shop tomorrow and checking out some edibles and these things called canna strips. there like those listerine strips that people used to put in their mouths