Alternative Power


Well-Known Member
How hot? Not that hot actually. As hot as two 100 watt incandescents. Don't be a douche and fuck with CFL's Just get a proper grow light and be done with it.

I actually wanted to call attention to the previous post about separate wall outlets being on the same circuit. This is quite important actually. You need to plug things into the separate outlets and flip the breakers in your breaker box to be sure they are on different circuits. FYI, kitchen circuits are usually set up to heavy slightly larger loads. in single family homes they are but in a crappy apartment, they are probably all 15 amp.


Well-Known Member
You mean the grow lights that cost twice as much and do the same thing except less options for points of light and spectrum?
No,I was talking about the most efficient lights available in terms of lumens/watt. You might have heard of them, they grow the BIG dense buds. That is the point right? what the fuck "points of light"?

I guess it doesn't matter that a HPS bulb will throw of almost triple the amount of lumens at a given wattage..for about the same price! Forget I mentioned it, go CFL dude. get like 30 of them.

You should totally get one of these... I mean that's 12,000 lumens of a single 250 watt bulb!!

DON'T get one of these.. that's only 32,000 lumens. Its like golf, the lower numbers are better.
Points of the points where the light are coming from? Pierces the canopy? And it's not just all about lumens. Flourescents give a higher quality light with the benefits of choosing a wider spectrum so plants can still get the light they need in smaller amounts for important function, not just limit it to the hps's spectrum which has WAY excess amounts of green to orange between 560-640, which is used very little by either Chorophyll a OR b, which is then converted into HEAT... AND without Hortilux and Sunpulse systems, your digital and/or electronic ballast isn't compatible with HID lights, which causes a bowing and bending of the arc in the HPS bulbs, so not only are you using a limited spectrum hot bulb, but you're losing lumens and stress the bulb, shortening it's life, possibly causing your bulb to explode...

I understand that hundreds of growers produce large dense buds with their HPSs, and that' fine, but it doesn't change the fact it's an entire system (not necessarily yours) that is producing a lot of lumens that aren't being used, and putting out a poorer quality of light. Combined with CFLs etc. would produce awesome things, but I'm not using one light that's going to cause a rise in heat and money, while although possibly giving me a higher yield, will not necessarily give me higher quality, being as how I might going to have to spend a bunch of money to supplement oxygen, Co2, and nutrients if I still want awesome quality, because if I don't, that light is one big ass LIMITING FACTOR.


Active Member
Watt per watt you will never grow as much with a CFL as with an equivalent HID. I don't care who you are. If you want to talk about effectively used light versus wasted output you should be looking into LEDs not CFLs. CFLs are marginally better than HID lighting in terms of the spectrum covered, if thats whats important to you go get a custom made high output LED lamp. or shit go get a CMH bulb or electromagnetic induction lighting or dual spectrum MH/HPS combos.
I was thinking LED too, but I'm still reading, there's such a huge debate going on about them right now with their spectrums but I'd think with a blue/red small ufo it'd help with cfls exponentially. Still main concern is power usage and I'm not up to date on what a set up like that would run me on paper.
i see nobody is solving your initial post what you need to do is go steal a whole bunch of car batteries find a old bike,hell tires flat dont matter. make sure to take a alternator from a car while you are at it . by yourself an inverter or two that will cover you power consumption at home depot that converts dc to ac.daisy chain the batteries together.hook the inverter output and a 120 wall outlet to a relay .this will be your switch so when the batteries dies the normal electricity from the grid will be used as a back up and you light and fan wont go out. prop the bikes back wheel up or take it off. hook an alternator or two up to the drive wheel.have the alternator charge the batteries and your all set. every night when you come home from work just do a little exercise to charge the batteries to optimal power and your are ready to start going green and growin green .now you can use whatever the f#@&ing light you want. case solved ,close post, next in line please,thank you come again

check my grow out


Well-Known Member
I think your best bet is to buy a bunch of hamsters. Can you buy those in bulk? Your also gonna need alot of hamster wheels, some rare earth magnets, and some coils of copper wire.


Well-Known Member
I think the bike idea combined with supplemental hamsters is the way to go. Of coarse with those superior CFLs. You can even compost the hamster terds for nutes.

I still call douch though, mostly for your inability to recognize the superiority and cost effectiveness of hid lights. Get a 1,000 of your broad spectrum CFLs and watt for watt any hid system will trounce you. As far as the incompatability of digital and hid bulbs you dont know what the fuck your talking about. I have 80% of initial lux after 6 months of 12/12 and I'm overdriving 600 watt ushios. But I'm sure you know better than I as I've only stood there and took readings with my light meter. I'm sure if I just read a bunch of random posts on a forum I would know better