Many products are designed to be used in hydro instead of mollases such as Sweet Leaf from Advance Nutrients, and Flora Nectar from General Hydroponics. Regular mollases could clog up hydro irrigation lines.
sorry i should of explained better. Im growing in soil and wanted an alternative t mollases i could get without having t go t a a hydro store or order from the internet.
things like honey may work... any here try honey, or even a nice strong cordial... As i have never done anything like this before its a stab in the dark but i belive the mollases is for a carbo load around flowering time so I dont see why other products wont work... Im not willing to put my plants on the line but if anyone here is willing to experement We would love to see results...
honey should work, or use raw sugar (not the white shit you have kickin around your shelfs) the main reason people use molasses is because of the natural sugar content in it that the plant eats up! though i believe it also has some other things in it that help the plant! you should be able to find it prettty much anywhere man. Superstore, Wal-mart, shit even corner stores probably have it its a fairly basic cooking ingredient!
good luck, peace
I have used Pure cane syrup, and just very recently, Agave nectar. Maple syrup might be great as well, but use the grade B if you do. It's less processed.
sugar water or sucanat like one of the guys said earlier, if you can get your hands on some floranectar works great, its 17.5 % raw cane sugar plus has some beneficial nutrients
It's not like a special item you only find in some places. But you could basically use any kind of simple carbohydrate and it will do the trick. People use mollasas because it is cheap and the plants can break it down easily.
I have seen people use:
Sugar In The Raw
Maple Syrup
A lot of nutrient companies make something similar too. I use Technaflora nutrients and they have a product called "Sugar Daddy" which is basically simple syrup in a fancy package