Always use the plastic tip when blasting!

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
This is probably obvious and considered common sense..Long story short, i didnt. The glass tube blew up sending shards of glass and butane strait to my face. No cuts thank god.

Ive been making it quit alot lately and got careless. The plastic piece was clogged i guess because the butane was barely going in, so i ripped the plastic tip off, shoved it back in, all was good. Did a second tube, never used the plastic tip, just as the first few drops came out the other end is when it blew.
Look into getting a stainless steel tube, theres a lot of chinese glass going around which are not ideal for blasting as you've found out.

Also maybe look into your filters, typically the first thing that should blow out should be them. If your filters are holding a higher pressure than your glass there is definitely something wrong about that scenario. I dont think the metal tip was the culprit unless that initiated the crack in the glass.
It might have initiated the crack. the more I think about it, I think I probably didn't have the can facing straight down, but slightly slanted with the glass tube straight. I'm so dam glad it didn't get in my eyes. I remember feeling glass and butane hit my face and neck pretty hard.