Am I a Chad?

A Chad for me is a dude from Martha's vineyard/ Nantucket who takes the range rover out to the beach at low tied gets destroyed off twisted tees falls asleep with his pink visor hat over his face to wake up to the range rover fully submerged and calls mom to pick him up another one on the way home.. I think there is a facebook group for it 'chadtucket' and ill tell ya its a fucking epidemic
A Chad for me is a dude from Martha's vineyard/ Nantucket who takes the range rover out to the beach at low tied gets destroyed off twisted tees falls asleep with his pink visor hat over his face to wake up to the range rover fully submerged and calls mom to pick him up another one on the way home.. I think there is a facebook group for it 'chadtucket' and ill tell ya its a fucking epidemic
Nantucket stickers - check
Land rover - close enough
Pink hat - check
I think I found Chad.
