Am I being impatient


Here is my question problem, this is the beginning of my third grow the first went well, second went terrible, and the third is in question. So I got some seeds for green house seed co. I germinated Dinafem diesel (free seed), Dinafem Northern light blue (free seed), green house great white shark, and green house white widow. I germinated them by wet napkin. I will be honest I only let each seed crack the shell and show a little of the white root before I put them into my miracle potting mix also I am using peat pots. They were in the napkin for 3 day and have been in the dirt for 5 day now including today monday. I left for the weekend but I watered friday night before I left but when I came home dirt was dry. I didnt kill my seeds did I? the temp high was 87 low 68 say my thermometer when I got back sunday night. Also when should I see a sprout. did I stress the plant? Please help


Well-Known Member
Hey,,from my exp. Id say you should see a sprout in 5-7days, depending,and I normally germ for 3 days in napkin in a shot glass and wait till theres about and 3/4 to 1 inch taproot.
When you say Mircale do you mean Miracle grow or??
loads will say on her its fortifed too much ...blah blah... but I use MG potting soil and havnt lost a seed yet,,it is very strong though,so I dnt water till theres at least 4 coloydon(excuse me spelling) those first 4 leaves not the first true or fan leaves.
Also in my view 87 is abit too warm for a small seedling,,I run 87F in my flower room during the day,so Im not sure if its that,,
Do you know the RH%,,cause I find a 60% rh when in seed - seedling stage is good and helps get plants established...

take it easy,,,,


yea I mean miracle grow potting soil the humidity at this moment is 31% at 81. My taproot wast even close to 3/4 of and inch. I was so happy to not be growing bagseeds I was in a rush to get them into the dirt. If it matters I do have the seed under a 600w hps should I put them under the 68w cfl. they are about 2.5 ft away from the light. thanks for the reply and help


Well-Known Member
hey,,sorry I didnt see your post sooner,,yeah get um under the cfl,,600w straight at them isnt good for a seedling,,they are at a safeish distance at two feet,,but I always use a cfl to sprout them,it saves money and is better as a sprouting seedlings needs fewer lumens,and light in all,I sprout normally 4 under a 250w cfl and about a foot and then when they get to an inch outta the ground,I start to increase the light they get..

It could be the Miracle grow being way to strong for some seedlings,,over watering with MG make so many nutes to come out it causes nute burn,,also as much a 'warm' medium helps root growth with MG it also increase the amount of nutes that are avaible,,the idea being that your pots heat up in the sun and they get a 'lunch' as it were,this is the idea with MG potting soil,,it dose help make larger plants,,but form my exp. you need to have a good tap root so they get a better start in the MG.
Also a higher humidty will be better,,I have it up nearly double that to sprout a seed,so maybe that will help,I just mist the top of the soil so when it dose break the surface it has a high RH to get a nice start in life,,also mean I dont water the MG,,,,
So maybe when it reaches 7-10 days after planting Id dig up a seed or two and see if there is any action or not,,just be very careful,I have done this with twisers,,and found a growing tap root so I backed off and 2 days later she sprouted....

Good luck and let us know how it goes,,,