Am I close to harvest? Yield estimates? 1000w first real grow Nirvana BlackJack PICS


I'm coming down to the wire here. I'm not sure how close though because this is my first real grow not using crappy bag seed. I'm fighting the impatient urge to cut it down. I'm around 8 or 9 weeks flowering, I think. I don't know exactly when I started. I was thinking of letting it go another week or two at least. Posted are some pics. What do you guys think? When should I start flushing? Looking at the trichomes, they look mostly cloudy with some clear. It's hard to tell because my loupe is only 30x. Some of the trichomes are tiny so I feel like a 50x or 60x would be better! Maybe I'll pick one up. Some angles they look clear, others cloudy. hah. Judging by the pics, what are your estimates?

Also, I was wondering what you guys think the yield would be ? I'm using a dwc hydro setup with a 1000w light. Using advanced nutrients. The plant is about 2 to 2 and a half feet tall covering an area of about 3x3.5 feet. Some of these buds are pretty tall and dense. Just curious what you think. The Sam Adams is for size comparison :) My last grow (first one ever) was from random bag seed. I managed to get about 7.5 ounces off of one plant...and they weren't anywhere near the size of these buds. From what I remember the plant was smaller too. I'm hoping to beat my last record with the second :)

Any input is welcome.



Well-Known Member
probably 2 weeks left. watch for mights and heat...also ur leaves are curling up around the edges, something to look at


It's probably heat related. I have a 1000w light in there. for most of the grow, I was battling with temperatures. I just recently got an air cooled reflector, so now the temperatures are down where they should be.


Well-Known Member
looks good...I think you could go another week or two...I'd start flushing if your into that kinda thing...nice monster you got there...good growing


Well-Known Member
I've heard both claims too...but I prefer to follow my time tested factor to consider is if your going to be run another crop right after this one then everything is that much easier to clean...don't waste your time with the chemical cleanse shit they sell...I've done it both ways and I regret using the chemical shit...just use some clean water in the res and wait flush it out every can check it after a few days to see the tds pretty neat...good growing