Am I dealing with Thrips ?

spinosad worked for me and i did a rigorous and thorough application. I even sprayed it in my electrical sockets ! lol, figured that would be a warm spot they'd stay.
I use a diluted bleach for cleaning but before that i mist everything with spinosad lol

i dont know if its the spinosad in there that did it or maybe some sort of safe soap, but i haven't had any problems now

im also careful not to bring any bugs in from a friends place ( he has an infestation)
the brand spinosad "deadbug jacks" by bonide
i also used the spreader sticker as a wetting agent

first i shut off lights and ventilation

always spray water first and water the plants, this allows maximum application time and slows the water uptake in the leaves, once the water is absorbed i apply thoroughly, taking plants out one at a time, getting every inch of the top and undersides.
if they're small enough, i prepare a tub and just dunk the plants

then, since the plants are out i mist the inside of everything with spinosad, wait a minute and turn on the ventilation
while its on i spray some at the intake, and some at the exhaust, then shut it back off.

a little while later i follow up by "sterilizing"
all my nutes bottles get cleaned off, vacuum everything
i mist the carpet and walls and plugs and everything, with mild bleach spray that has a little soap in it for the wetting agent

using the finest mist possible
i then dry stuff off with clean towels and re-apply the spoinosad to the plants and put them back in there.
once sockets are dry i plug everything, the lights (which are off on the timer)

i always apply right at lights out, to make it easy
going to my super overpriced hydro store to weigh options. need to source a fucking great local nursery, hate the hydro store tax!
Spinosad doesn't kill the larve protected inside the leaves. They lay eggs in the leaves and if you have a major outbreak of WFT even spraying and dipping in spinosad won't stop them totally. If you catch them early you can use spinosad but if they are breeding heavily then they will return in massive numbers. That's usually the case if you see more than 50. Every 4 days they returned in numbers. Before you know it there are 500 then 5000.
I battled them 4 months long before half went in garbage and rest were dunked in azamax. Use yellow sticky traps or a light floor to help see them. Also have used vinegar/ dishsoap in a shallow dish to identify them. They love the smell of vinegar in the morning. Otherwise use azatrol or azamax total dip and they will be history. Just my experience. Western flower thrips can become immune to spinosad. At least the larve do. Take them as serious as a heart attack because they suck.
Hope that helps.