

Well-Known Member
Babies are 10 days old Is everything fine? Not too close to the lights? (2x 45W full spectrum) + timer. Only problem is the heat, usual temperature is 18,5°C. Planned to transplant into another soil (Miracle Grow) in 3 days. I screwed the first choice of soil because i was not well prepared when they sprouted and had to use Scotts premium potting mix. I have 25-10-10 and 6-12-12 fertilizers. Our water have a pH of 8 so i used some crap pH- to down it to 6.8. Comments?


Well-Known Member
move them closer to the light, 65 is an okay temp you can always add more light to raise the temp, i would add a 50w incandescent personally. no need to fertilize for the first 2-3 weeks then start in at half dose at first and work your way to full strength, feeding every 3rd watering.


Well-Known Member
lave the light on 24 hours for now and also with flouro you sedlings can be inches away, those are way stretched out, i would look into replanting them in a begger pot and burying that stretched out stems.


Well-Known Member
I added the third part of my tower only few hours before the pictures because I believed it was stretching to reach the light. I also added the fan today to help strenghten that long thin stem. The current schedule of lighting is 19h-day/5h-night. There is no head coming from this lighting, i could manipulate the tubes with bare fingers after a full day on. Judging at how close they are to the light right now, i doubt that there is room for another for heat. Will leave the light on all night and see how it looks like tomorrow. The soil is too wet to transplant right now, I'll just hope the stretching stops until it dries out.


Well-Known Member

12 days later, babies are 22d old. Transplanted yesterday into bigger pots, lost a few roots in the process sadly, they still look fine.

As you can see I upgraded my lighting, I will get proper growing lights soon (x-mas) Hopefully 2x 125W HPS lights with reflectors. I still got to craft a white wall with white paper around the growing zone.

Comment plz?


Well-Known Member
There is really no heat coming from these tubes, i can manipulate them with bare fingers after a whole day running, plus there's a fan working 24/24.