am I doing right so for with my plant ?

Hello growers I'm new was sick of buying expensive weed so I found a seed in that good shit I planted is veg if for a month not knowing what I'm doing but things went well only had a light burn problem turned out to be a tall female been using both cfl and sunlight no I give her bone meal potash is it sativa here a pics


Well-Known Member
There are holes at the bottom of that backet
i understand that.. is your bucket completely full of soil or is there any type of buffer in there.. not telling you how to grow just saying maybe some small 1/16th size holes around middle of bucket can help as well but like i said looks good
i understand that.. is your bucket completely full of soil or is there any type of buffer in there.. not telling you how to grow just saying maybe some small 1/16th size holes around middle of bucket can help as well but like i said looks good
Okay bro now I understand you but won't I hurt some of the roots?


Well-Known Member
Okay bro now I understand you but won't I hurt some of the roots?
heres what i do.. go to hobby shop and buy this lil poker deal they sell for cutting holes in the bodies for r/c cars..
won't hurt anything.. plus you could actually cut most roots off and start over plants resilient.. i watched a guy take his plant out of 5 gal and cut a lil triangle out of it and re planted in 1L. crazy just be careful if you use this tool you will never touch the roots its better than drill drilling can cause this here trust me i fucked up first plant i tried this on.. heres the result in drilling and second is wheres she's at now I have learned from all my readings in botany how to take the dead and make them live.. plus I'm a bit goofy i talk to my plants and reassure them i will take care of them and they ALL come back to me no problemsIMG_30215.JPGIMG_4846.JPG


Well-Known Member
Hello growers I'm new was sick of buying expensive weed so I found a seed in that good shit I planted is veg if for a month not knowing what I'm doing but things went well only had a light burn problem turned out to be a tall female been using both cfl and sunlight no I give her bone meal potash is it sativa here a pics
man if you ever need to talk i can help as much as i can but best done through inbox..


Well-Known Member
Give a plant the choice of drowning in water or suffer a warped root, by far the warped root is the better of 2 weevils
Ensure that the volume of water you tip to your plant ...that most (3/4) is vacated from within and around the plant in under 5 minutes.
Roots need both water and oxygen, like humans oxygen is the better choice if in any doubt, my own horticultural pots are pierced by me, for another 50-75% more holes...

as my mentor would say ...MARYJANE don't like wet feet! ... next grow put 30% perlite in that pot, maybe paint it black, better to paint that wall flat white too

good post too .......... to my blog:


Well-Known Member
Give a plant the choice of drowning in water or suffer a warped root, by far the warped root is the better of 2 weevils
Ensure that the volume of water you tip to your plant ...that most (3/4) is vacated from within and around the plant in under 5 minutes.
Roots need both water and oxygen, like humans oxygen is the better choice if in any doubt, my own horticultural pots are pierced by me, for another 50-75% more holes...

as my mentor would say ...MARYJANE don't like wet feet! ... next grow put 30% perlite in that pot, maybe paint it black, better to paint that wall flat white too

good post too .......... to my blog:
NO NO NO perlite using something more beneficial will be much better than some painted styrofoam use this my friend not only is it natural but its beneficial with tons of stored nutrients.... Not telling you what to do vostek.. just using a more beneficial way of growing.. NATURE rules over man made stuff in my opinion
all my soil grows use either back yard dirt or oregons only dirt with this lava.. 70% dirt 30% lava and lava covers 1 inch of top so no dirty dried up soil can attract bugs

Okay guys thank for your help but as you can see my plant can you tell what strain is it? Look like sativa to me


Well-Known Member
Okay guys thank for your help but as you can see my plant can you tell what strain is it? Look like sativa to me
appears to be sativa dominant but vostek and others can tell you better they are more seasoned cannibas growers than i am...
Give a plant the choice of drowning in water or suffer a warped root, by far the warped root is the better of 2 weevils
Ensure that the volume of water you tip to your plant ...that most (3/4) is vacated from within and around the plant in under 5 minutes.
Roots need both water and oxygen, like humans oxygen is the better choice if in any doubt, my own horticultural pots are pierced by me, for another 50-75% more holes...

as my mentor would say ...MARYJANE don't like wet feet! ... next grow put 30% perlite in that pot, maybe paint it black, better to paint that wall flat white too

good post too .......... to my blog:


Well-Known Member
Honestly i will tell you i find that the less you add to your grows the better they are... now check this out here ill post same plant same strain two different methods and i will say using the lava has benefited it.. but again I'm not growing huge girls I'm growing tops in them..
this is my small girl in soil and next is hydro same strain but they look totally different oh the soil is a clone from the big girlIMG_4977.jpgIMG_4846.JPG


Well-Known Member
How may weeks do you think my fowers are and how more will it go till havest
Lil hard to tell.. first off turn off your fan when taking photots its way too blurry to tell.. 2nd looks like 2-3 weeks in 12/12 and third you need to show us photos like this but if id have to say I'm thinking 6 more weeks at least..IMG_0043.JPGIMG_0044.JPG