Am I doing something wrong?

I planted 6 germinated seed in 6 solo cups, all the same strains, 4 took, 2 didnt, same grow room and lighing, is this comman? Yes im new to this, 2nd grow, about the same the first time,thanks..

bob jameson

Active Member
An inch is too deep! Plant any seed about 3x the diameter of the seed deep. That would put cannabis seeds about 1 cm deep. Keep the surface of the soil moist and watch 'em pop.
Its more common for the seed to not crack during germ then have it not sprout once planted, But it can happen. This is why you most people will recommend you germ more then you plan on finishing with. As for depth of planting the seed i usually just poke a small hole with my finger tip and then insert the seed root down. then just keep the humidity up and youll be golden