Am I F@#ked?! Need Help Soon!!


Well-Known Member
You've got to be kidding.
Here is proof that there really is "one born every minute" as the saying goes!
haha, to be honest i did exactly what i hate people doing.

i just posted without reading all the info and other posts.

just giving my 2 cents as when my plants visit droop town they just want a bit of water, so i was just giving my experience. that is all!

i think most people here try to be clever and point out a problem that isn't there, if you worry too much about them then that is when it'll all go wrong.

it's not hard, just don't mother them too much :)


Well-Known Member
I would def say TOO MUCH WATER. Not only is it bad for your plants, Its GREAT for the bugs you don't want on them. It provides a wonderful place for them to reproduce, making your problem even worse. Get a moisture meter. A cheap one goes for like ten bucks and really helps. Also spray with some neem oil before you get to far into flowering to do anything. From what I saw, It looks as though you've got spidermites, and a heavy watering hand :)