am i flushing too long?


Well-Known Member
My strain goes between 60 and 70 days, and i did the math wrong and began flushing at day 44-45, so it will be like 20 days of flushing. Will i misss out on potency/yeild? Should i re introduce nutes for another 5 days or so , or is that pointless?

its an ebb and grow hydro system, what actually happend, is they suffered nutrient lock out and burned, so i flushed them and just decided to start the final flush.


Well-Known Member
I'd feed them. Otherwise you will lose out on yield. You'll be surprised how fast plants can finish their stored nutrients.

do you count flowering time by the day you switched to 12/12 or when you actually witnessed budding?

I always go a bit longer than the said flowering time.