Am I Fucked?

alright...I am gonna say this once...any man who has the audacity to joke about hitting their wife or girlfriend or any girl for that matter needs to be hit by a real man...secondly. I am a college graduate, I own my own business, and was in a relationship for five and a half years bro...from 19 to 24....dont tell me I dont know...yeah I fuckin know...also...this whole thing was about causing drama...didnt you get that...I just came here to fuck with are an easy get all friskay...lmao...btw...nice baby plants...ha ha ha
bullshit. any man who has the audacity to ACTUALLY hit a woman need to be checked by a real man...joking is another ballpark entirely. you sound like the slime in the bush administration, telling people what they can and cannot joke about. infringement of free speech right there...any "educated" man such as yourself should know this...
nice shitty 600 watt light too. yes, i know my plants are small...but its just the way mother nature works...start from seed, then to sprout, and so on...again, an educated person should know this...
if u didnt see his comment about puttin his wife in line as a joke, your simply retarded. i read it and laughed, and was high and understood, bottom line is dont go being a douche to other people for no reason.

thanks bro. +rep for not being a douche...
no not yet "chief". ill get back at you when i do though...everyone has to have their first grow sometime...including you. so that dont mean shit. if you hate this site, then fucking leave. you just put yourself in the ranks of all those people you say have ruined this site for you...everyone who is "retarded". well, you said yourself that you just come back to troll this site now, which means your helping all those "18 year olds" and "assholes" who come on here just to fuck around instead of being a community of nice helpful pot heads. now you are feeding the cycle that got you to hate this site in the first place. is your life really so sad that you have to waste your time coming to a site to rile people up who you will never meet? why dont you do something constructive with your self, mr big shot college degree? you dont sound all to smart to me at all...
i dont expect you to know this, but when your married, theres no such thing as "personal shit". my secrets are her secrets and vice versa. this was not a secret, and it never was in the bag, i showed her this thread already, and she didnt get mad. she laughed. if you wanna speak about "talking peoples personal shit" then what about your "friends" who like to get down with other chicks?? do they know your telling potentially thousands of people about that and putting there pics up? i think you have less of a right to write about mere friends then i do about my own fucking wife. i call bullshit on you sticking up for my girl. you know neither of us, therefor you shouldnt assume anything about us or our personalitys. remember what happend the last time you assumed something (CFL's????)? you looked like a fuck tard, thats what. i can joke about anything i fucking want. if you think something isnt appropriate to joke about, then thats your opinion. fact is, a few other people already said they knew it was a joke right off the bat. perhaps they have a few more IQ points then you and honky. have you even seen late night comedy central? SPOUSAL ABUSE jokes up the ass, and then some. i think you just like causing drama, just like THCHeaven said...
they are actually with me. They are typing half this shit...


That looks like some poopie anyways... ill get u some better genetics.
especially BLEAZY. He's just a moron who likes drama.

Im a moron, who's educated enough to point out all the dumbass's. A moron doest think like me. Or im a moron with a IQ above average. 120's. Must be from all the dank i smoke? naaw.
tell your wife to come hit thisss.


* im just fucking with ya, you get alll fucking pissy man, chill out *


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Ha ha..I see a lot of testosterone flaring up in her. You guys are fucking funny. Posting pics and

Anywayz, growing at your parents is a very bad idea. It will takes many months for the plant to even be ready so I suggest maybe that you can find a nice secluded spot in the woods/mountains/park to plant it in. Better than your parents house, fo shizzle.
ONe more thing...I thought smoking weed was supposed to make you mellow and peaceful not act all belligerent and obnoxious. Chill...and peace!