Well-Known Member
I can only venture a guess. I think they were radio antennae, maybe including GPS units. Either way, unmarked chopper with dark-tinted windows and we have no large corporations in this entire county, so....? What would you think? I thought what I thought and it turned out I was right.haha flumes look funny!
what are thoes spikes sticking out of the helicopter in thoes pics, looks weird.
whenever theres helicopters over my house they say NYPD I never see plain helicopters like that flying around doing weird shit, you people live in weird places, move to a city!
I live down across the street from the projects so I have helicopters flying over my house daily, my neighbors house was actualy hit by a helicopter just a few months ago, silly pigs, I always I knew they couldn't fly!

Check my news link in my response to fdd, they were just looking for the big fish. But, if they net up a few little fish as well, why not? I figure they'll work it however they can or want to, and it's then up to me to defend myself. Guilty until proven innocent with this fucking drug war. I get the distinct impression, though, that local LE aren't interested in potheads. They've got bigger problems with drunks and domestic violence and folks visiting up here who "failed to negotiate the curve".I think if they did see anything, you probably would already know, and if not by now, you'll definetly know by the end of the week. I dont think they would need a search warrent to search your house f they saw that plant, I think it would fall under the plain view cluase, but maybe not, since they had to be in a chopper to see what was going on, and it is considerd illigal to use high tech surveilance without a warrent, unless they are in fact looking at your neighbors, or somone close by, than they can "accidently" see whatever they want.