Am I gonna burn my house down?


IDK if you can see them but that green material behind them is nomex. We wear it at the refinery it is fire proof but the ballasts arent what im concerned with. My electricians a no show so I think im gonna change out the socket for an outlet, wish me luck



Well-Known Member
Have an electrician run you a 240 volt 4 pin 40 amp outlet into that room and use a maximum of 30amps.
But as snaps said you NEED to find where the breaker for that curcuit ASAP, find out where and why your light stays on with the breaker off if that is the correct circuit. YOU WILL KILL YOURSELF if you just start popping covers and trying to rewire shit as it stands.
And if there is a switch for that socket i bet its melted open by now.
Seriously you couldnt have thought that was safe? Looking at scares me more than most christmas tree wiring


I just found out what was going on and im moving the grow room. Seems to me that both bed rooms the living room, grow room and the light to the basement stairs are all wired to one 20 JEEEZUS CHRIST I shut it down immediately back to work, Ill keep yall informed


Well-Known Member
What's funny, in the beginning, edison base was the way to plug in all items in your home. No receptacle designs in use yet. Imagine someone poking their finger in there. Needless to say the edison base was relegated to incandescant lamps and unfortunately fuse holders for some period. Sorry for the history lesson on Edison base socket. ;)


I ended up moving my room with a tremendous amount of work a false wall and the whole nine. It cleared up some other issues too. But as far as power I put the one light on a 30amp for the dryer and the other on a thirty for the washer and run them at night to avoid laundry issues lol. Im still working on the room but I am able to flush the girls I have a water supply close as well as ventilation and more stealth so it worked out. My electrician suggested this as an alternative to subpanels or a 240. Ill put some pics of the finished product I enjoy the whole James Bond apect of the stealth grow so I went all out changing a full basement into a half its sweet and you cant even tell.