am i LST right?


Well-Known Member
You've got the idea! It gets a little more obvious what to do once she gets bigger. If you break a branch you can fix it back on even, so don't chuck any mistakes.
LST is a great help for newbie miss judging plant size (must be why i started lol)


Well-Known Member
you want to tie the base to the opposite side of the cup as an anchor, this stops the plant from being pulled out of the soil, also id put it in a bigger pot otherwise your just gonna have to tie it all down again(unless that is ur final pot size):clap:

good luck pal


Well-Known Member
Not at that size. But when she's big enough clip wire/string whatever over one branch at a time. Think of it as pointing out to her which way to go for the sun bathing lol!
Message me any the inevitable breakage! ;-)


Active Member
Yeah, I waited until transplant to put in my LST work. I'd address those leaves though brother. Somethings going on there.


Active Member
yeah i would also wory about ur leaves first rarther than LST skills as theres some sort of issue there !


Active Member
As sloanz said, you're going to help your harvest out more by sorting out the plant problems instead of trying to lst. you can be a little rougher with her and bend her over the side too. But get an anchor in there first