Am I Missing Something???!!!! Veg And Flowering....


Active Member
I have a large walk in closet that I just built a wall in to seperate my operations, and needless to say I have a back door next to the space Ill be growing in. Now, I have a 150w grolite, and Im leaning more towards CFL's along with it (the grolite is mainly for proper spectrum light) but Im kinda unsure on how many CFL's and how much wattage I would need for 2 plants. This is all for my personal use. The area is 3x6 and 8' high. I would like to have a scrog set up to get the most from my plants and light.

Im pondering back and forth on which hydro system Im going to try, deciding between NFT and DWC. I want the fastest way possible cuz I almost shat myself when i heard i can harvest after a couple months after spouting through hydro. If theres any better or easier techs then PLZ let me know, im kinda getting tired of researching the same thing over and over.

But since Im not pro, and Im not intending on having a large grow op, do i need an exhaust system? I see them in almost every photo, but I do not have the money for one yet, so i assumed that my door will be plenty because i live in a rural area and no neighbors so the public isnt a problem.

And finally, after these infants sprout and take off in the veg stage, is it my job to eventually flower it or does the plant begin this stage on its own and i just cut its light time?


Active Member
first of all you say you are sick of assuming this is researching the differnent systems and methodss of growing the plant...but if you are unsure of even how to flower the plant then mabey you need to learn more about the actual plant itself and how it grows...this is great just read through the growfaq:mrgreen:... anyways if you plan on keeping the door open i dont see why you would need an long as the room outside the closet has fresh air in it ...but i would definatly put a fan in there to move air ..more air movment to= better results as long as its not a tornado in there lol ...and as for the flowering ..yes inside it is up to you to make them assuming you will have your lights on 24 hrs or 18/6 grs a day make them flower you have to swich to 12/12 hr a day :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
thank you so much for posting 420man, but your saying to start flowering, i just simply change light hours? No different nutes or anything, just cut its light back a lil? I will be using a fan though cuz i heard it makes the branches stronger by trying to withstand the wind etc. Also, since i control the flowering, say the plant gets to be a reasonable size for my preference, can i start flowering anytime i want and then and harvest when i want? Is there any recommendations you have for this?