Am I On the Right Track?


Active Member
Hey Guys,
First time grower, in this field anyway. Tons of mycology experience, figured it was time for a switch to stay entertained. I've picked up a few supplies, consisting of a 4x8x4 grow tent, a 4 inch fan mounted low for intake, a 5 inch fan mounted high for exhaust, a thermometer that records highs and lows at ground level (soon to be replaced by digital that will control fans), and a 950W HPS. I do not yet have a hygrometer, but I'm fairly good now at guestimating humidity by feel. Humidity is staying under 50%, temp at a solid 76 Fahrenheit or 26 Celsius (whatever you prefer).
Clones were started in those little dirt pods until rooted (this was not done by me, and it seems that some did not take). Just re-potted into red solo cups with coco coir as the medium. Clones sat in my storage room for a few days with nothing but frequent misting/watering. Only just got them re-potted and set up in grow room last night. I have a timer, but am not using it. Leaving the light and fans on 24/7 for veg cycle. Clones have been sprayed with fungicide/insecticide. Will be watering thoroughly with 20/20/20 tonight. Most are looking healthy at this point, although many have leaves that are yellow on the ends with brown tips. I'm attributing this to the few days they sat out with no proper light or ventilation. It would appear that 5 total out of 46 are not going to make it. Looks like they didn't root at all.
A week from now, I plan to switch to 0/50/0 to start budding, then 15/38/5 a week and a half after that, followed by 10 days of straight flushing to finish off. I mentioned my light and fans are on 24/7 at the moment. After veg cycle, fans will be temp controlled and light will be 12/12.
Does this all sound "on-track" so far to everyone? I've done a bit of reading and watched the Ultimate Grow DVD a few times, but overall I'm mostly just following advice from friends. Any advice is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Yes, I'm aware that most of those pics were taken with the HPS on. My apologies, I'll turn it off next time.



Active Member
Thank you for the fert advice. I was also hoping someone might comment on my light cycle for veg. Is 24 on a good idea? Or should I give them a break and do 18/6?


Well-Known Member
Thats personal belief nearest I can figure. I do 18/6. Cheaper and lets nutes move, lets plant recover and use O2. Lots of debate on this.


Well-Known Member
I go 24/0 for veg. You shouldn't need nutes for a couple of weeks, but I never use full strength. I use Jack's 20-20-20 a couple of times during veg cycle and never mix over 1/2 strength. If you get good soil you shouldn't need to feed much. I never use those bloom nutes, I think the plants do better with more balance and they will need N when you flip them, as they put on a lot of growth for 2 or 3 weeks. After that a 15-30-15 is what I'd use for bloom nutes. Don't over-feed, they won't respond well.


Active Member
i use 18-6 also... sub cool has a video on the weed nerd about this saying the plants physically go to sleep after 18 hrs.
if u have extra time his videos are awsome and have a ton of info.
i hope u flower those babies when there small cause all the extra room will fill up quick. aha before u kno it ull be crowded like a mofo
Im using coco and its coming up to my second harvest. I have been using botanicare pure blend, pro grow, for veg and its 3-2-4. for flowering Ive been using pure blend, pro bloom and its 1-4-5. And Monster Bloom, which is 0-50-30, after two weeks of flowering. My first harvest was great. Tricomes everywhere and cant hold on to my extras because everyone says its fire. Good luck!!!