AM I ready to flower and can I cut some clones first


Active Member
:peace:I am a new grower and am doing this for me alone. I started these girls from 2 week old clones one is a white widow the other is train wreck. somebody please tell me i am doing good. Thanks :peace: P.S can I cut a few clones off the bottom and how high up should I trim the bottom? I am growing in in a 6" x 6" rockwool cube that has been put into a 1 gallon and filled up with rock. they are 25" and 22" what do you think these will yield? I am doing everything the way you experienced guys tell me ie. light nutes air next is to get co2 before I start to flower. Am I doing good?10-22.jpg



Active Member
The plants look real good. Now is a great time to take clones. You can take a lot off of those two with all the branches they have.

I don't think you need to trim them up. I usually trim the bottom of my plants when I have a lot crowded together, with a lush canopy blocking the light to the lower half. With just two plants the bottom parts of your plant should get sufficient light to yield some weight.

Good luck and good growing


Well-Known Member
take the bottom third off the plant and use it for clones .
you can flower anytime you would like to .your plants look grate and there is really know way to tell how much one will yield do to all the day to day things that come with growing pot .


Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply this site is awsome. I kinda thought I was doing good but its nice to get a pat on the back. thanks again.


I agree with every other post ... they are looking good!! I'm interested in seeing how you do with clones ... keep posting ... maybe i will subscribe??