Am i ready to harvest? is something wrong? lowryder 2 pics


Active Member
Below are the pictures of a lowryer 2 about 60 days old, there is 2 of them one 8 inches and one is a foot and a half
are they ready to harvest?
why are the buds like nothing i have ever bought in a bag?
any suggestions or comentts pleasseeee...
pictures are below







Active Member
thats lame should of vegg. longer those look small but very heathy nice plants next time dont flower so soon:hug:


Well-Known Member
I have a few suggestions:

1.) Do not post pics that are sideways. (rotated 90 degrees)

2.) Do not post pics that are completely out of focus. (Learn to stay still when you take them)


Well-Known Member
even tho ill have to agree with the rest of these ridiculous people who just want to judge rather than help, id say you probably should let it go a bit longer, id suggest going to radio shack and getting a 30-100X scope, its 13$, then check the trichomes, if they are 40/60 with more amber than any, then id say they are done.


Well-Known Member
nothing lost only knowledge gained. congrats on gettin ur peter wet. get the radio shack scope like bro said. invaluable vs. guessing


Well-Known Member
no he was jsut saynn there autoflowering...meaning regardless of the timer flip its gonna start flowering. ur stretchiness has nothing to do with the strain or when u flowered them...ur light was too far away making the plant reach for it.


Active Member
i know that i have a stretched ass plant , its autoflowering ( 9 weeks) from seed to flower, i have never changed the light cycle because they dont have any, thats the best i can do with the pictures i have a terrible camera right now.... this is also my first plant and im starving to try it,,, please any comments on the buds, they are oddly fluffy and very small ( i want them to get bigger how?)... bottom still have huge white hairs and have not aged through flowering only on the bottom though...


Active Member
Their fluffy because thats what they look like when they are fresh You're probably accustomed to buying low quality grass that is compressed into roughly 2lb "bricks" and then sold to a drug dealer in large quantities, he then sells likely to another dealer who then sells to you...Though their may be more middle men in your case or less.