Am I retarded?


I've had to order 3 different batches of Easy Ryder seeds because I can not get them to root. I killed my first two batches by overheating, I germed them all at once and was overly confident in my ability.

On my 3rd batch I got Rapid Rooters and a dome/tray with a heating pad. I germed 2 seeds to start off this time, it's been 3 days and neither have sprouted. I've been reading that seeds that are already germinated should sprout in about 2 days, especially in rapid rooters with heat mat + dome. I germed them until they cracked, they were barely showing a taproot. Should I wait until the taproot is a little longer?

I'm stumped right now. I'm using distilled water to soak the rapid rooters, then i'll squeeze it until it's moist but not dripping wet. I have 3 seeds left, and i'm germinating one right now. I still have my 2 seeds in rapid rooters and i'm watering them with distilled water but I think they're done for.

With my new seed I have germinating i'm going to wait until the taproot gets a decent length and try the rapid rooter method again. The ambient temperature around my dome is around 75, so I don't think the soil would be getting too hot, especially since I keep it moist and just basically give it some water with an eye dropper once a day if it's kinda dry.

Any tips are recommended.


Well-Known Member
I've had to order 3 different batches of Easy Ryder seeds because I can not get them to root. I killed my first two batches by overheating, I germed them all at once and was overly confident in my ability.

On my 3rd batch I got Rapid Rooters and a dome/tray with a heating pad. I germed 2 seeds to start off this time, it's been 3 days and neither have sprouted. I've been reading that seeds that are already germinated should sprout in about 2 days, especially in rapid rooters with heat mat + dome. I germed them until they cracked, they were barely showing a taproot. Should I wait until the taproot is a little longer?

I'm stumped right now. I'm using distilled water to soak the rapid rooters, then i'll squeeze it until it's moist but not dripping wet. I have 3 seeds left, and i'm germinating one right now. I still have my 2 seeds in rapid rooters and i'm watering them with distilled water but I think they're done for.

With my new seed I have germinating i'm going to wait until the taproot gets a decent length and try the rapid rooter method again. The ambient temperature around my dome is around 75, so I don't think the soil would be getting too hot, especially since I keep it moist and just basically give it some water with an eye dropper once a day if it's kinda dry.

Any tips are recommended.
Grab a 15 cent jiffy pellet,

Put it in a pan of warm water

Let it expand,

drop seed in the lil hole in the top,

With in 3-4 days you will see your plant poke through.

No humidity dome, no heater, just a simply flo light is all you need and a dime and a nickel for the pellet/disk..

Doesn't get easier than that :bigjoint:


Active Member
dude drop the root hormone. You can't speed up the roots of a seed. You just need water and a peat pellet, check out my first grow. I consider myself mostly retarded in growing, but I know that getting the seeds going was pretty easy it just took about a week of struggle.


I had this problem also and still do during the winter months. But let me ask you was absolutelly everything clean when you germd the seeds. And when you germed them was it always over 70degrees Farenhite because I went through 15 seeds this way. My best advice is, Make sure the surfaces you use and I meen every surface is washed when germing with dish water or a bleach selution. THAT INCLUDES YOUR HANDs always keep your hands very very clean before handling seeds. Also keep it at least 70 degrees farenhite the entire time not an hour were the temp goes below that! this should help you out but check and see if they got root rot also... anyways thats my advise!


Active Member
I dunno, I just planted 7 seeds in rapid rooters and I only had 1 not break the seed within 2 days and within 3 they were rising up out of the rooters. I also used the domed/heat pad thing. I left my plants under 24 hours of floro T5 lights until the seeds broke, and even then I didn't take the lights off until after day 5. At that point I turned the lights off for one night and when the lights came on, they were under a 600w MH. It might be your temp, my room was 10 degrees warmer.


Active Member
yeah i wait until the tap root is about an inch out of the seed when greminating

and then a day or two she pops up out of the soil

good luck on the grow


Well-Known Member
my advice would be to hone your skills on bagseed before you waste any more money on autoflowering seeds

what kind of soil are you using?

MT Marijuana

Active Member
I'm not the biggest fan of jiffy pellets. I preferr plain ol' soil. I've had batches of a dozen seeds, all in their own jiffy pellet and nothing for over a week. I got pissed, dug them up and put them all in soil and within two days they all sprouted. i'm not sure what the deal was but soil is the way to germ for me :)


I dunno, I just planted 7 seeds in rapid rooters and I only had 1 not break the seed within 2 days and within 3 they were rising up out of the rooters. I also used the domed/heat pad thing. I left my plants under 24 hours of floro T5 lights until the seeds broke, and even then I didn't take the lights off until after day 5. At that point I turned the lights off for one night and when the lights came on, they were under a 600w MH. It might be your temp, my room was 10 degrees warmer.
You planted the seeds directly in the rapid rooters without germinating? I might try that. I also just dug up my 2 seeds and they were dead. I checked the PH of my store bought distilled water and it was about 8.0, argh. The soil temp was also around 87 degrees. The temp inside the dome stays at around 80 naturally without the heat pad. So this time around I soaked the rapid rooter in properly PH'ed water and left out the heat pad, but keeping the dome on. Hopefully this will do the trick.


Well-Known Member
heat and PH are the murderers of your seeds

i just use poland spring bottled water; i never had any problems and i have ALOT of it around


New Member
If you are using rapid rooter with it's greenhouse kit heres what you do: Germ your seed till 1/2 " tap root. soak rapid rooter just like you said, not too wet. Place in tray, insert seed tap down,cover hole with a little rooter piece. Fill tray with water just to when the valleys of some of the reservoir is full , no higher. Make sure rooter is NOT touching any water in the reservoir, it will wick the water up and keep your rooter saturated. Place tray in heat pad with 2 layers of towel underneath. That pad gets too hot for the tray when you place directly on it , so use a towel. Place lid on it and place under T-5 lighting or whatever you have. This will provide the correct warmth for your seed and begin to create a humid environment when the taps break the soil. As soon as they pop, remove from the pad but keep the dome on it. I keep them there for 1 1/2 weeks , watering them with 150ppm nutes. Every day I would lift the dome and breath about 4 or 5 times at the plants and than quickly close the lid. Do this after you brush your teeth in the morning, they have feelings too. Seems to help provide some co2. Every day check underneath the rooter and if you see any tap root escaping, it is time to transplant.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
This way has worked for me with almost 100% success rate. First get a small matchbox and put a nail file inside it. Put ur seeds in there and shake it up real good. This roughs it up a bit so the water will penetrate. After this put it in a shotglass for 24 hours. After 24 hours has passed put it in a paper towel on a drying rack on a plate in a dark location( i use my clothes drawer). Let that go for a bit and almost all of your seeds will have taproots. If you bought the seeds, you WILL get 100% germ rate doing this. Do NOT add heat, do not give ANY light. Then you plant them in the dirt and give them 24 hours of light.


Well-Known Member
This way has worked for me with almost 100% success rate. First get a small matchbox and put a nail file inside it. Put ur seeds in there and shake it up real good. This roughs it up a bit so the water will penetrate. After this put it in a shotglass for 24 hours. After 24 hours has passed put it in a paper towel on a drying rack on a plate in a dark location( i use my clothes drawer). Let that go for a bit and almost all of your seeds will have taproots. If you bought the seeds, you WILL get 100% germ rate doing this. Do NOT add heat, do not give ANY light. Then you plant them in the dirt and give them 24 hours of light.
thats a real oldschool TEK man, rep to you
I usually pre-soak my seeds for a good day. I always use tap water that has set around for a few days to eliminate chlorine. My tap water reads around 200 ppm. Most of the time, they sink and pop within a day or so. If not, they get planted anyway, and usually pop on their own. Soaking them in tap water allows the seed to "soak up" water, and water with 200 ppm gives it just enough nourishment without risking burning it up. Then, like the above poster said, I use a coco puck in a propagation tray that is wick fed using a wicking mat-(doesn't over or under water). For seedlings, I use only RO'd water and 1.1 ml of H&G root excellerator per gallon. T-5 lighting or even less is all that's required. I'm wondering if your getting the root/seed zone too warm. Is your heat mat connected to a thermostat? Does your prop tray sit directly on the heat pad? If so, I'd either elevate the tray 1/2" or so to allow air to flow underneath the tray or invest in a thermostat and keep it low. When doing seedlings, I like to apply the KISS principal. It's always tragic to hear of the loss of a good genetic, especially when , if like me, have wished for great genetics for most of my life before getting the balls up to invest in some, then have them fail. Now, I'm gonna add a little insult to injury. How is this for disappointment. Out of planting 4 "primo" genetics, just last week, White Widow, Big Bud, Bubblegum and a Northern Lights, and gently loving each of them equally for a good month or so, only to have 3 of your 4 decide to drop balls and had to go, two of which were absolutely beautiful plants, with extremely close node counts as well. Tragedy is an understatement. My next few grows will be of the Northern Lights variety. I have grown White Widow, matter of fact my last grow was White Widow and Ice. I've never grown Northern Lights before, but was looking forward to trying the Bubblegum and see the Big Bud in full flower. Maybe next time, but you can bet that Northern Lights will be kept going for some time. I already have 4 clones popping roots in my mini bubble cloner. Peace


my advice would be to hone your skills on bagseed before you waste any more money on autoflowering seeds

what kind of soil are you using?
Trued Dat!!! That is exactly what I am doing I just started my first plant a week ago in a window sill(dont judge me fools) and I'm going to be using Cfl's in a week or so. But anyways Im giving myself a full year of bagseed growing until I grow anything that I buy on from seedbanks so that I dont waste my money...



Well-Known Member
any time meng, im growing on the windowsill in the morning and then my plant goes under the CFL for 10 hours at around 930-10am. plant is going outside soon though, maybe april 20?