Am I screwed? Did I drown my seed?

I was reading different germination techniques and came across one that said to put your seed in a shotglass of water for a few days. Now while my seed was in there, it opened up a bit and a root nub appeared.

Ive used the paper towel technique before so I know that works, but Im worried that I might have drowned my seed because it opened up while under water. It was probably under for 12-24 hours before I took it out and planted it.

Its been two days and nothing has popped from the soil yet. Is there hope?


Well-Known Member
For the shot glass method you're supposed to wait until the seed sinks anyways
1st day it was floating, 2nd day AM it was floating, PM it sank. 3rd day the nub appeared and I planted it early on the 4th day


Active Member
You can soak them for not more than twenty four hours. You can also ease the wicking of the water through the seed shell by scarification. Line a small matchbox with fine grain sandpaper, drop your seeds in and shake them for a few seconds. I soaked mine and it generally took about three days to sprout once I planted it in soil. How deep you put the seed in the soil will have alot to do with it as well.
You can soak them for not more than twenty four hours. You can also ease the wicking of the water through the seed shell by scarification. Line a small matchbox with fine grain sandpaper, drop your seeds in and shake them for a few seconds. I soaked mine and it generally took about three days to sprout once I planted it in soil. How deep you put the seed in the soil will have alot to do with it as well.
:( well mine was in for a lot more than 24 hours. Is she a goner?


Active Member
:( well mine was in for a lot more than 24 hours. Is she a goner?
If the taproot looked good I'd wait to see what happens. Like I said, I planted my seeds about three quarters of an inch deep and it took then three days to pop the top of the surface.


Active Member
Once the root starts do not let it dry out. How you do that is up to you. A 1# baloney container and half a 2 liter bottle work for me.