Am I the only grower that doesn't smoke?


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke very often but I take oil every day.the other thing I know plenty of growers that grow great bud for retail ,nothing wrong with that has long has you don't sell shit
Not growing to sell. In fact the cost to the people who need it the most, the truly dying, should be $0. Can't even imagine taking a single f'ning penny to help the dying not suffer. Medicinal cannabis is still way to expensive around my parts. With the cost of growing everyone can't get their medication for free but I'm willing to do my little part. I wish there was a way people could make a living growing, and the people who need it could always afford it. Without commercial growers lots more would suffer, but charging hundreds in cash monthly to someone in a trailer with ovarian or metastatic bone cancer feels wrong.

Sorry for the rant, not sorry for being such a socialist I guess.


Well-Known Member
Monkz you're welcome in my boat anytime.
I've got purple kush lined up next, but after that I need a good CBD/pain control, appetite stimulating strain. I'm open to suggestions.
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cap master

Well-Known Member
Not growing to sell. In fact the cost to the people who need it the most, the truly dying, should be $0. Can't even imagine taking a single f'ning penny to help the dying not suffer. Medicinal cannabis is still way to expensive around my parts. With the cost of growing everyone can't get their medication for free but I'm willing to do my little part. I wish there was a way people could make a living growing, and the people who need it could always afford it. Without commercial growers lots more would suffer, but charging hundreds in cash monthly to someone in a trailer with ovarian or metastatic bone cancer feels wrong.

Sorry for the rant, not sorry for being such a socialist I guess.
there could be a way if larger companies would buy the yields from growers at a decent price then sell it to dispensaries and all insurances would accept medical coverage for the herb for at least patients suffering from terminal illness and discounts for non terminal patients and the insurance companies will pay to the dispensaries who pay the bud companies providing business for the farmers... everyone makes money to keep going and build business and grow customers get theyre meds for free or for a discount and everyone makes out good and happy..... but I guess that a farfetched idea for the selfish humanity that is our reality. am I right or am I right?


Well-Known Member
I grow but dont smoke... smoked from about 12 to 22, then got a job with a clearance... got into growing when a few family members were diagnosed with breast cancer and one was in an auto accident. I grow to help those in need of meds that aren't opiates which in my mind are the worst things doctors prescribe. Always enjoyed growing all kinds of things and gardening in general so figured growing MJ to help others was the right thing to do. In the beginning I needed the help of those here, but then I realized I was over thinking it. Just didnt want to screw up and leave those in need without, but found it is like many other plants, a little attention and keeping it simple provides the best buds of all... Happy Growing!

cap master

Well-Known Member
I agree and the us is the number one consumers of prescription pills in the world... shame on us. I cant say iv never done them I have but I haven't gotten addicted like the most of the people do.


Well-Known Member
I frequent the orchid forums a lot, no way is any bud as good looking as some of those exotic orchids.....

Dr Grinspoon strain is the prettiest weed bud d i can think off but damn hard to get right apparently

Orchids are way more trippier and weird
View attachment 3603992 View attachment 3603993View attachment 3603998 View attachment 3603999 View attachment 3604001 View attachment 3603998
You can have a grinspoon looking plant by treating it with gibberelic acidIMG_20160208_190059.jpg IMG_20160208_190140.jpg


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3603750 I feel like a weirdo. I've been wanting to grow forever just to grow. A nice bud is as sexy as any orchid. But I don't smoke, or really partake. Any one else grows just for fun basically?

My first harvest is probably split between the girlfriend and any of the really sick patients I see in the ER. Those little old people in deep pain, can't eat, wasting away from cancer and such. Not much I can do for them in the ED. But I can now at least offer the family the option of free bud. It hurts me, that helpless feeling.
I trust karma to pay me back later.

Thanks to everyone that's shared their grow tips. I'm listening.

here's a thread you may find relevant to your posted question....c/w a survey with surprizing results


Well-Known Member
Its a hormone derived from a mutant rice strain or some thing,everything ive read on it claims its safe so I'm sure its safe,lol, but if your all about no gmo's ,