Am I using too much light?


Btw if you wanna know the baby girls are perky and bright eyed today. The soil must have dried enough for them to take some oxygen in


Buds, theyve been in those pots from start. Theyre most likely rootbound so I will be transplanting pretty soon. Ill feed them also theyre throwing a few different deficiencies at me but ive been afraid to due to the time release ferts in the soil.


I figured the farting would give them other nutrients as well like methane and sulfur as well as a little nitrogen


Well-Known Member
They look overwatered. The best way to tell if they need water is to pick up the container,and feel the weight. I have done a side by side comparison of MG moisture control and FFOF, and Roots organic, and FFHF, and the MG really, really sucks, comparatively. The other 3 were roughly the same, each with it's own characteristics. I think happy frog is best for the price, and has great drainage.

I'd transplant to a bigger container, water only when the plant needs it, and lay off the foliar spray. I'd try to find some better soil, too. You can buy a cheapo moisture meter from any gardening store, too. That may help when you are unsure of then to water. You'll get the hang of it after a short while. Good luck!
I've tried a couple different moisture meters and found them unreliable. You have to clean the probes or they give a different reading


Well Instead of transplanting I just basically cut out the bottom of the pot and stacked it onto a pot the same size and filled that one up with Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil and then watered