Am I worrying about nothing?


This is my first grow ever. I just got an Aerogarden Deluxe Extra. I got my AK-47 Auto Flower Fem seeds last week. on the 26th I placed 1 seed into a glass of distilled water overnight. Next morning it had sunk to bottom. I cut an aerogarden sponge down one side and placed the seed in with the flat side up. On the 28th I had some root starting to grow down into the water. Unfortunately it came out only about 1/4 of the way down the sponge, not through the bottom of the sponge. By the next day the root was a good 4 inches long. Now its the 31st and I still have no growth coming up, just the root growing still. My questions are:
Should I be concerned about the root not having a firm grip in the sponge?
Should it have started to grow out the top?
Or, am I just being nervous first time daddy?
i havent read the post but am answering then reading and i say you are worrying too much and leave the plant alone ok now to see if i am right.


My plant has looked just like this for 3 days now. No change at all either way. No growth above or below. PH and temp is all good. Is it stunted? Or almost dead? Sorry the pics are upside down. I don't know what happened.

I am using an a/g7 classic and I think were you went wrong is IR only suppose to cut Ur sponges when you are starting from a clone.

Straight from a seed, do whatever way u like to start IR germ (I prefer paper towel method and wait till Ur Lil white root pops.)

Then you just plop it right into the precut hole in the top of the sponge put it on tomatoes/pepper setting.

Start with no nutes till you get Ur first serrated leafs.

By doing it This will give Ur plant a bigger and stronger base to hold on to Plus can use it's stored energy to grow instead of pushing itself out of the sponge.

Hope this helps I am a fellow noobie using an a/g for my first and this is what I have found worked for me
Also if it doesn't already I would install an air rock. Not sure about the ultra but my a/g7 did not have the air rock.